Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

Lock is probably the most underrated f2p class this last expansion. Great damage, great CC relative to the bracket, and decent self-heals. If played right, should own most classes, including your dime-dozen-hunters.
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No, locks are trash just like any other clothie class. No point playing one since you can't get off a cast in this 1-2 shot bracket.

This has been the unfortunate reality since Cata. The only cloth class that you should be playing in this bracket is disc priest (or shadow priest if you're P2P). They get destroyed by hunters and rogues, but PW:S is still the strongest healing tool in this bracket, Battle Fatigue and all.
So, does anyone have any idea what this is supposed to mean? +1 armor cloak enchant and then another +1 armor cloak enchant that says "permanently" on the tooltip and requires more than 100 enchanting skill.

Edit. I'm not sure if the attachment works correctly. The image is at http://i60.tinypic.com/2qtv9yw.jpg


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So, does anyone have any idea what this is supposed to mean? +1 armor cloak enchant and then another +1 armor cloak enchant that says "permanently" on the tooltip and requires more than 100 enchanting skill.

Edit. I'm not sure if the attachment works correctly. The image is at http://i60.tinypic.com/2qtv9yw.jpg

That picture is of two different enchants scaled down. They just happen to equal the same amount when scaled down. I suspect we will see a LOT of this come 6.0x. The gap between trials and subscribers has gotten smaller.

That picture is of two different enchants scaled down. They just happen to equal the same amount when scaled down. I suspect we will see a LOT of this come 6.0x. The gap between trials and subscribers has gotten smaller.


And the gap between the strongest spec and the bracket and the weakest spec has narrowed substantially.

30 specs available to F2Ps on the PTR (all but DK specs), almost all of them are completely viable.

Towards the bottom end would be Spriests, Prot Paladins, and Prot Warriors. But all still definitely have their niches (except perhaps Spriests :( #healerwithchanneledslow )
And the gap between the strongest spec and the bracket and the weakest spec has narrowed substantially.

30 specs available to F2Ps on the PTR (all but DK specs), almost all of them are completely viable.

Towards the bottom end would be Spriests, Prot Paladins, and Prot Warriors. But all still definitely have their niches (except perhaps Spriests :( #healerwithchanneledslow )

Bop, can i have your realid so i can add you on ptr, i dont have any idea whats going on and i cant find anyone online in BiS.
Bop, can i have your realid so i can add you on ptr, i dont have any idea whats going on and i cant find anyone online in BiS.

Yeah, I'll send you it on skype. We only really log on for Arenas.

Did you make a new toon, or is character copy now up? :O
Yeah, I'll send you it on skype. We only really log on for Arenas.

Did you make a new toon, or is character copy now up? :O

Alas, when I checked last night, character copy was still down. I am having doubts that it will be up before 10/14.
My "prep" time is very limited. I do not like being ill-prepared. "He who fails to plan is planning to fail."
Yeah, I'll send you it on skype. We only really log on for Arenas.

Did you make a new toon, or is character copy now up? :O

Nope , i had a feral druid 20 with Boas (guild+normal) leveled her in PTR like a year ago (Off Topic-- She looks cool and lovely) . but i have a lil question , doesnt the character copy thing work on WoW Website ?
Nope , i had a feral druid 20 with Boas (guild+normal) leveled her in PTR like a year ago (Off Topic-- She looks cool and lovely) . but i have a lil question , doesnt the character copy thing work on WoW Website ?

No, the only character copying that has worked at all for the 6.0 patch has been at the Character Select Screen - but it is currently disabled, and probably won't be available before 6.0 is live (10/14/2014).
No, the only character copying that has worked at all for the 6.0 patch has been at the Character Select Screen - but it is currently disabled, and probably won't be available before 6.0 is live (10/14/2014).

well , atleast i have my warrior , and hunter copied. And druid i think , not sure :)!

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