iirc hunters can still get a pet that will "slow" you . there are no more roots or stuns ect but i remember seeing a slow. thing is that piercing howl has a 15 yard range . not mele range. let me put a "banana" in for scale.
frost nova has a 12 yard radius
piercing howl has a 15 yard radius .
get the idea . getting away from a furry warrior with anything less than blink blazing speed or major cc is going to be pretty damn hard.
[MENTION=6328]Snowjobs[/MENTION] , I always look for your posts for WoD updates haha. Very excited to see WoD looking good for f2ps. Fury, ret, fire mage, enh sham viable makes me grin. Also, the fact that people like me who enjoy hunters but hated their OPness in MoP may have a new alt

Also, is Elemental mechanics have changed with hard casting lightning bolt, which obviously cuts its mobility and potential for pocket healing. How do you think this is going to play out compared to MoP or compared to boomkin?
Crocolisk - Pet - World of Warcraft ( crocadilisk slow in wod)
also check out the new dataz for beta they just put out.
feral got nerfed again . same with balance so now they should be a lil bit more balance.
Warlocks got buffed (corruption tick=moonfire tick) before u toss in the effects of eclipse ect.
hunter got a minor buff in damage . (frankly i felt sorry for them so this is ok in my book)
frost mage got nerfed arcane and fire got buffed.
rogues got nerfed even more.
atm a enh shaman will hit for almost the same as an ambush with lava lash and it will be pure fire damage so it will probably work out to be more.
aflic still garbage.
But the highlight of the entire build..................
Sheild charge at lvl 18 . too bad u need the lvl 100 talent for it to work .
blizz just teasing again .
#ragingblowproc #overkilllpassive #middlefinger