Pet Battles are a MoP feature. One could assume that once the expansion gets added to the battle chest(when WoD comes out), f2ps can pet battle.
I really HOPE this is not the case.
Why?? Pet battles are fun.
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All the awesome and time consuming collections will be worth nothing.
That's a ridiculous argument. The people with awesome and time consuming pet collections will have even more awesome and time consuming pet collections. The ones who don't care will continue to not care.
I have pets on my unlinked that I don't even have on my paid. And I'm damn proud. Give my 'pure' pet battles and pet collecting, and I'll have 1k pets. Guaranteed. What could be more awesome as an f2p than venturing into Sholazar Basin or Towlong Steppes to tame a pet? It will be amazing.
You're creating conflict where it doesn't exist.
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All the awesome and time consuming collections will be worth nothing.
You're creating conflict where it doesn't exist.
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Blizzard is dying slowly.....
Item Changes
As you can see in the notes above, the "Hit", "Expertise", "Dodge", and "Parry" stats are being removed from items in WoD. When that happens, those stats will be replaced by something else. We don't have a ton of details yet about how that will work, but it never hurts to plan for the future. Below is a list of all the items accessible to F2P 20s that will definitely see changes -- eventually I'd like to try and compile the new WoD stats for these items here, so people can begin planning their gear choices accordingly.
Hydras will be tameable.
No matter how excited you get, the only important change would be separating us from those retard p2p's. That won't happen and seeing the increasing numbers of 24's, this bracket will be doomed no matter what.
Already the quality of the games dropped beyond imagination, fist to blame being 24 "pro's".
So, say bye bye to F2P or start premading with quality players if you want to actually have fun.
DOOMED! DOOMED, I SAY!this bracket was doomed just a few weeks into its existence and been a shitfest ever since LOL
Hard to be stomped by noobs when equal gear/chants.