Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

It wont dispel roots, only dispel slow.

All i say it is not hard to burn rogues Adrenaline Rush - Spell - World of Warcraft with Shadow Blades - Spell - World of Warcraft.
And the waiting time for Shallow Insight procs for killing spree isnt that short.

in my small opinion, they cutting the wrong hand with SB remove.

Not as funny as runing away from another rogue while using this with this
or burst of speed staked with Nitro :D

ment this

Mortal Coil - Spell - World of Warcraft
Howl of Terror - Spell - World of Warcraft
Blood Horror - Spell - World of Warcraft
Fear - Spell - World of Warcraft

Mesmerize - Spell - World of Warcraft

plus Dark Bargain - Spell - World of Warcraft with holding flag/orb
with healthstone glyph and dark regeneration u get 60%+ hp.


Scatter not even aoe, it most usage comes in lower lvls..

Blood horror, coil and dark bargain are talents tho, mesmerize is pet dependant and dr's with fear..
And tbh soul link + GoSac is funnier(in my opinion) = 666k+2%hp5 destro lock = burning fc's :)
Another look at racials

There aren't any current plans to change Pandaren or Worgen racials.

Blood Elf
  • Arcane Acuity is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike chance by 1%.
  • Arcane Torrent now restores 20 Runic Power for Death Knights (up from 15 Runic Power), 1 Holy Power for Paladins, or 3% of Mana for Mage, Priest, Warlocks (up from 2% of Mana). Other aspects of the ability remain unchanged.
  • Heroic Presence has been redesigned. It no longer increases Hit by 1%, and instead increases Strength, Agility, and Intellect, scaling with character level.
  • Gift of the Naaru now heals for the same amount over 5 seconds (down from 15 seconds).
  • Crack Shot has been removed (was 1% Expertise with ranged weapons).
  • Mace Specialization (was 1% Expertise with maces) has been replaced with Might of the Mountain.
    • Might of the Mountain is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike bonus damage and healing dealt by 2%.
  • Stoneform now also removes magic and curse effects in addition to poison, disease, and bleed effects, along with reducing damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds. It remains unusable while CC'd.
  • Expansive Mind now increases maximum Mana, Energy, Rage, and Runic Power by 5% instead of only increasing maximum Mana.
  • Escape Artist's cooldown has been reduced to 1 minute (down from 1.5 minutes).
  • Shortblade Specialization (was 1% Expertise with one-handed swords and daggers) has been replaced with Nimble Fingers.
    • Nimble Fingers is a new racial passive ability that increases Haste by 1%.
  • Time is Money now grants a 1% increase to Haste (up from only attack speed and spell haste).
  • Mace Specialization has been removed (was 1% Expertise with maces).
  • Sword Specialization has been removed (was 1% Expertise with swords).
  • The Human Spirit has been redesigned. It no longer increases Spirit by 3%, and instead now increases two secondary stats by an amount scaling with character level. You can choose which two secondary stats it increases. This has not yet been implemented.
Night Elf
  • Quickness now also increases movement speed by 2% in addition to increasing Dodge chance by 2%.
  • Touch of Elune is a new passive ability which increases Haste by 1% at night, and Critical Strike Chance by 1% during the day.
  • Axe Specialization has been removed (was 1% Expertise with axes).
  • Hardiness now reduces the duration of Stun effects by 10% (down from 15%).
  • Brawn is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike bonus damage and healing done by 2%.
  • Endurance now increases Stamina by an amount scaling with character level, instead of increasing Base Health by 5%.
  • Berserking now increases Haste by 15% (down from 20%).
  • Beast Slaying now increases XP earned from killing Beasts by 20% instead of increasing damage dealt versus Beasts by 5%.
  • Dead Eye has been removed (was 1% Expertise with ranged weapons).
  • Will of the Forsaken's cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes (up from 2 minutes).
So Orc trolls and UD are getting boned to varying degrees while Allys got buffed awesomely.

Glad I havent felt like logging for a few days now, hoping the trend continues for a year or two.
Blood Elf
  • Arcane Acuity is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike chance by 1%.
  • Arcane Torrent now restores 20 Runic Power for Death Knights (up from 15 Runic Power), 1 Holy Power for Paladins, or 3% of Mana for Mage, Priest, Warlocks (up from 2% of Mana). Other aspects of the ability remain unchanged.

  • FFS what do I want with 1 Holypower? I need the Mana! Screw you Blizzard.
Eternal Flame and Word of Glory now each have a 1.5-second cast time when specced Holy.

we’re also reducing PvP spike damage across the board by lowering Critical Damage and Critical Heals to 150% of their normal effect (down from 200%).

Finally, we're removing the low-throughput, low-mana-cost heals like Nourish, Holy Light, Heal, and Healing Wave

Dev Watercooler: Building Healthy Gameplay - World of Warcraft
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Eternal Flame and Word of Glory now each have a 1.5-second cast time when specced Holy.

we’re also reducing PvP spike damage across the board by lowering Critical Damage and Critical Heals to 150% of their normal effect (down from 200%).

Finally, we're removing the low-throughput, low-mana-cost heals like Nourish, Holy Light, Heal, and Healing Wave

Dev Watercooler: Building Healthy Gameplay - World of Warcraft

well there go druid heals lol -.- reduced crit heals will crush the effectiveness of regrowth . Maybe its time i finally looked at my shaman a lil bit or pally or priest lol
Eternal Flame and Word of Glory now each have a 1.5-second cast time when specced Holy.


Do not want.

edit: the devs and leadership at Blizz are idiots. they possess ZERO foresight.
it's now going on three expacs that they are trying to make content 'more challenging, more fun, and more engaging." except Deeps and tanks have had it easier than ever. tank job is 'count to X number stacks, taunt, rinse repeat.' Dps job is 'blow all Cds and... stay out of bad?' but standing in bad to get that last buffed ability off is a reinforced, since topping the charts is the all-everything goal. so staying out of bad really isn't a big deal for DPS. the healers will just get them back up, right? since the beginning of Cata, EVERY boss throws shit on the ground. gotta get out of the bad. this leads to more and more mobility being added to healers with instant casts. but now, Blizz wants to take away the mobility by adding cast times. the thing is THIS ONLY PUNISHES HEALERS.

Instead of void zones causing the player to die, which ultimately punishes THE HEALER for bad gameplay, Blizz needs to make it so void zones prevent you from doing your job. i.e. instead of void zones making the healer have to scramble to do a bunch of extra healing, the void zones should add a debuff that says "YOU CANNOT ATTACK" until they get out of the bad.

Fking Blizz. they truly hate heals.

edit2: i would be more cool with it if we could cast while moving. stationary casting is SO 1999.

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Do not want.

edit: the devs and leadership at Blizz are idiots. they possess ZERO foresight.
it's now going on three expacs that they are trying to make content 'more challenging, more fun, and more engaging." except Deeps and tanks have had it easier than ever. tank job is 'count to X number stacks, taunt, rinse repeat.' Dps job is 'blow all Cds and... stay out of bad?' but standing in bad to get that last buffed ability off is a reinforced, since topping the charts is the all-everything goal. so staying out of bad really isn't a big deal for DPS. the healers will just get them back up, right? since the beginning of Cata, EVERY boss throws shit on the ground. gotta get out of the bad. this leads to more and more mobility being added to healers with instant casts. but now, Blizz wants to take away the mobility by adding cast times. the thing is THIS ONLY PUNISHES HEALERS.

Instead of void zones causing the player to die, which ultimately punishes THE HEALER for bad gameplay, Blizz needs to make it so void zones prevent you from doing your job. i.e. instead of void zones making the healer have to scramble to do a bunch of extra healing, the void zones should add a debuff that says "YOU CANNOT ATTACK" until they get out of the bad.

Fking Blizz. they truly hate heals.

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Do you know how holy paladins/holy priests play @ 90?

"Over time, healers have gained a bigger and bigger arsenal of heals that they can cast while on the move, which removes the inherent cost that movement is intended to have for them, while also limiting players’ ability to counter healing in PvP. This left silences and crowd control (which we’re trying to curb—see "Pruning the Garden of War") as the only ways to actually limit an enemy player's healing output. We're still preserving the option to instantly heal, but are reducing the number of instant-cast healing abilities overall."

Did you not read that? Kind of tired of people blabbing about nerfs as if blizz actually cares about trial accounts. These are good changes when looking towards WoD's pvp direction. If you seriously care about how healers will be affected in WoD pve wise, look several paragraphs above instead of blurting out nonsense. If you bothered to read the article you'd see that most of your arguments are being answered. MoP has been one of the best, if not the best expansion when it comes to pve. I'm sure they're capable of sticking in the right direction. Going back on topic...it's too early to complain about nerfs rofl
I read it.

I have a 90 hpal, two 85 hpals, and several 20 hpals.

My question is what reason would I EVER have to cast Word of Glory as an hpal? Why bother even binding Light of Dawn? If I'm in a 5-man and i need to use LoD, then i don't have time to wait on a cast time. I use my Holy power spells as mini emergency heals. Now? Why bother? It's fucking stupid. They might as well just get rid of holy power alltogether. I would rather spam flash like in Wrath. At least I know could get a job as a MT healer.

DerPS stand in fire, and kick healers when they die. It's been happening for three years now. NONE of these changes affect THAT problem. Blizz tries to balance the whole fucking game on the backs of healers. And now that fire is on the floor in every fight, Blizz is going to 'balance' things by removing healers' mobility? Lolgtfo!

I hope you enjoy six hour queue times as DPS.
It's gonna be just like the beginning of Cata.


I'm not alone in my criticism. Read the comments.

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I read it.

I have a 90 hpal, two 85 hpals, and several 20 hpals.

My question is what reason would I EVER have to cast Word of Glory as an hpal? Why bother even binding Light of Dawn? If I'm in a 5-man and i need to use LoD, then i don't have time to wait on a cast time. I use my Holy power spells as mini emergency heals. Now? Why bother? It's fucking stupid. They might as well just get rid of holy power alltogether. I would rather spam flash like in Wrath. At least I know could get a job as a MT healer.

DerPS stand in fire, and kick healers when they die. It's been happening for three years now. NONE on these changes affect THAT problem. Blizz tries to balance the whole fucking game on the backs of healers. And now that fire is on the floor in every fight, Blizz is going to 'balance' things by removing healers' mobility? Lolgtfo!

I hope you enjoy six hour queue times.
It's gonna be just like the beginning of Cata.


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I guess you're not understanding that this is a pvp change. Maybe you'll understand if I create an example.

I'm on my 20 rogue dueling a 20 holy paladin. Currently, a holy paly can just holy shock and wog @ 3 hp to keep himself topped. With this change, he'll have to cast at some point, because just instant cast holy shock is not enough to keep him up. This gives me an opportunity to kick him, giving me a greater, more fair chance of beating him in a duel. At 90, an hpal/hpriest in a pvp situation are known for being able to heal sufficiently without having to cast. Both of these specs are extremely proc based, making it hard to successfully interrupt them. These minor cast times to important abilities serve to curb some of the clunkyness still present in PVP.

PS: You complain about issues that only occur in raid finder/flex situations. These "idiots" standing in fire have no place in the higher level difficulties of raiding. If you're upset with having to bear the brunt of bad players, then step it up and join a raiding guild.

I'd like to see your 90s armory
Yep. It pretty much does. What's your fucking point? I work swing shift, and my days off are Wednesday and Thursday. How many 1am PST raid time guilds are out there? How many only raid Weds/Thurs?

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Yep. It pretty much does. What's your fucking point? I work swing shift, and my days off are Wednesday and Thursday. How many 1am PST raid time guilds are out there? How many only raid Weds/Thurs?

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My point is that you're getting upset over a change in the game from a negligible point of view. Much like how f2ps blame blizz for nerfing them. Blizzard cares about max level pvp, and balances out pve based off of heroic raiding MOST of the time.
Also, keep in mind that they are taking a look at crowd control, so casting might be a little easier in general. I hope you guys get to keep that kick.

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