Warlock Guide: 15-19 Bracket

I've always held my biggest stat priority on my lock to be stamina, so I can stay alive long enough to get a fear off and it's essentially mana through lifetap. I also consider fearing to be a bigger priority over extra damage, so I tend to like haste better than spell power. The reason I like destruction the best right now (besides conflagrate), is that you can still hit with fire spells if you are locked out of shadow spells because they have a high amount of resistance. Also, the damage is pretty sick if you lifeblood, and spam soulburned searing pain.

Just a couple other things:
-I like to unending breath my team to eat purge/dispel.
-If you fear someone while someone is still under the effect of your current fear, it'll break the old one but leave them them stalled for a second. It's possible to shut down 2 people for short period of time if you keep alternating the fears fast.
-My favorite use for soul shards are to make new imps. I'll send my imps running after people in different rooms or far away and just make another new one instantly if they die.
I've always held my biggest stat priority on my lock to be stamina, so I can stay alive long enough to get a fear off and it's essentially mana through lifetap. I also consider fearing to be a bigger priority over extra damage, so I tend to like haste better than spell power.

I'm with you on the stam and overall defenses but that's mostly because I'm kinda unsure of my positioning a lot of the times and I don't want to burden the healers too much with the glass canon set. It seems that Dory here is more experienced with the positioning and often has friends with him so he can get away with it.

As for the haste, I think you're referring to the different racials like a Goblin's haste and a Belf's Bloodthistle 15 spell power buff when you talk about haste over spell power. I support Dory's decision to be a Belf because warlock DoT's get like 120% of the spell power from coefficients and affliction has 30% extra shadow power AND a good affliction warlock will consistently be, not only the top damage, but way beyond that... So, stacking that extra spell power really helps. I'm still a goblin though so whatever, lol.

the damage is pretty sick if you lifeblood, and spam soulburned searing pain.

You make me wanna try destro and demo... Only thing I am afraid of is that you have to stand and cast to do good damage in those specs whereas affliction you just dot and keep moving. Another thing I'm wary of is that I really don't think any other spec can put up the damage numbers that affliction does.

I like to unending breath my team to eat purge/dispel.

Unending breath is no longer a magic effect but let's still add it because its unending breath XD

If you fear someone while someone is still under the effect of your current fear, it'll break the old one but leave them them stalled for a second. It's possible to shut down 2 people for short period of time if you keep alternating the fears fast.

This is true - a great observation. I'll try that when there are two healers turtling... I get flustered when isht hits the fan and just tab DoT pretty much lol, I'm a bad.
^^ yeah, I've only pugged...never had any serious premade fun...but on the occasion when I get good heals/teamwork it totally rules to play on my warlock.

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