Warlock Guide: 15-19 Bracket


@Inok http://www.twinkinfo...pdated-for-406/ covers BiS gear, though I don't always agree with its first choices.

@Shiro I'm not sure, 2boxed my herbalism up from 150 to 225 and smelted from 150ish to 225. You can maybe manage it in STV, sounds like a lot of work tho.

Safest way for Herbalism 150-225: Liferoot at WPL, around lake of scholomance. Only like 2-3 mobs on north side of lake.

Safest way for Herbalism 150-225: Liferoot at WPL, around lake of scholomance. Only like 2-3 mobs on north side of lake.

Thanks notoriousthf and Dorigon! Also, while I'm here; Dorygon I can't find your armory to help me with my warock by looking at your chants and such... Could you post a link please? Thanks!

P.S. - This takes a friggin' minute to gear a 19 twink.
I'm now Dorygoon@Bleeding Hollow. If your faction is alliance, I would switch out one Argas ring and the wand for Ello's Band and Firebelcher. If you're horde, I would switch out one Argas ring for Lavishly Jeweled Ring and the wand for a Firebelcher.
I'm now Dorygoon@Bleeding Hollow. If your faction is alliance, I would switch out one Argas ring and the wand for Ello's Band and Firebelcher. If you're horde, I would switch out one Argas ring for Lavishly Jeweled Ring and the wand for a Firebelcher.

You have exactly everything that I was going for except for gloves
Cool I'm Horde too for this char. I can't wait to see you in game when I finally get my AGM. Thanks!
Warlock vs Priest: Priests will laugh at your dps while shielding themselves and then unloading on you. Use the holy/prot paladin strat when with others, but just fear and run away in a 1v1 situation.

I lold but so true :/
Lock is so under-rated in 19's... The downfall to Warlock is that they are not that great alone, but there's no reason the Warlock should be running around alone anyway, except for some rare strategic reason. Good Warlocks, such as Dorygoon here, are pretty much always trying to take advantage of the 20% extra heals on himself and massive AOE DoT damage by being with the group instead of trying to be a hero and running around all the time alone like Hunters or Rogues. Its just a different skill set for Warlocks
Just give a good Warlock heals and a zerg to DoT up and watch their DPS sky-rocket out of this world!

I'm really liking Affliction Warlock
DoTs fer eburywon!!111

+22 Intellect vs. +30 Spell Power to weapon:

I'm interested in your breakdown of these two very good enchants. I know you chose +30 Spell Power but I don't fully understand how Intellect works nowadays D: any help? I should have compaired Intellect/Spell Crit/mana before and after I put on the +22 Intellect... But I didn't so here's where I am now:

When I scroll over Intellect in my statistics character pain, it says that I have +125 total Intellect which gives me +1595 mana, +115 Spell Power and + Increases Spell Critical Hit by 8.81% (It doesn't say Spell Critical Hit Chance... Does this stat make my Crits have that much more percentage of power to them or is it saying the Crit chance is higher?)... That makes +1 Intellect worth 12.76 mana, .92 Spell Power + some Critical something (I can't math what the +8.81% Spell Critical Hit comes out to be per point of Intellect)

Here's what I know:

30 Spell Power + ~30% extra Shadow Spell Power from Affliction talents = ~39 Shadow Spell Power, ~42.6 Spell Power for Corruption...

22 Intellect = an unknown amount of "Increases Spell Power by X" + an unknown amount of "Increases Spell Crit Hit by X" + an unknown amount of "Increases mana by X"...

Thank you for your help in Warlocking!!! IDK who else to talk to about this, lol. Thanks and have nice day.
srry i pushed quote instead of edit, on the last post, and now this is stuck here and i dunno how to delete it D: derpaherp
I think that the +30% from aff spec is added to the base damage of the spell, not calculated post-sp.

As mana isn't important for a lock, it's really a matter of 8sp vs about 4.5 crit rating.
I think that the +30% from aff spec is added to the base damage of the spell, not calculated post-sp.

As mana isn't important for a lock, it's really a matter of 8sp vs about 4.5 crit rating.

Confirmed. Here are the differences between the two enchants:

+22 Int = 1.25% crit chance / 2mp5 out of combat mana regen / 330 mana

+30 SP = 8 spell power

I'm going with spell power since the SP coefficients listed here give our DoTs more than 100% of our SP. You're right about mana for locks and you're probably right about the talents only affecting base SP... IDK where to look about that.

Anyhoosles :3 Happy Thanksgiving, Dragon-san!
You too ;]

And yea, our dots get significantly more than 100% returns from SP.. drain soul gets WAY more, should look for yourself how drastic the differences are.
Nice info! You made me get on my lock and play around for a bit.

Things changed a lot... I'll try to find some time to update my toon.


Megalock @ Shadow Council
Awesome Read, Thankyou for the guide!

/#showtooltip healthstone

/cast soulburn

/use healthstone

This macro casts Soulburn and Healthstone in a single click. Pretty good for those 'OH SH*T' situations.

This Macro is awesome, I have gone ahead and built on it.

/#showtooltip healthstone

/cast soulburn

/use healthstone

/cast Alliance Battle Standard

/cast Healing Potion

/cast Lifeblood

Doesn't even trigger GlobalCD, I can see it adding/healing easily over 500hp, might turn a fight (;

I'll be updating this guide soonish to reflect my experiences as horde.
Bump, sending this back to the top as I've received some questions recently. Also in the process of giving it a face lift.
Spidersilk Drape and one of the hit rings, or else GSoJ and a hit ring if you've a desire to use that staff.

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