Wargame 27/2/16

you must have expected someone to ask, i mean it's already expected of you to have at least 1 fotm in your group. you can talk non stop shit in-game and get so butthurt when people ask about you playing your cancer brew and premades with ferals / exploiters. lol

i'm sure you've been on wow for like 24 hours so i'll leave you be, happy new year.

all pre-mades that i know of that have happened in the 29 have had a set a rules most the rule dont let BM's and ferals play. ill be going with that rule here...yes we did have a BM on each team when Supanova vs GG twinks. but that was for the GG twinks GM was main BM so we had one each to even it and let him play.please just stop trying to make drama. we all get it your a special person, you have show that time and time again. just give it a rest. your crying on TI is just not helping anyone at all other than to feed you need for people to look at you.

so shut your trap and sign up to heal horde and lets see how good you are.
Wish you the best of luck in getting these going for 29s. But let's be honest, your best chance to get in on premades in this bracket is to roll at least one Vet and join in on the real ID games that have been happening almost every night.

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