Warband Bank access revoked for F2Ps & Vets

1 battlenet account can have 8 wow accounts. 1 wow account can be subbed while 7 wow accounts can be f2p, and they all share the same warbank. this is the same as mounts, pets, toys, heirlooms, and achievements.
Thanks i checked some threads relating this stuff. This looks like blizzard simply fucked up the policies for linked accounts.
All they need to to is logout every wow account as that is linked to a battle.net account as soon a new account tries to connect. Thats the behavior casual user would expect.
So hiding warbank behind a sub sounds like a fast and dirty fix.
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To say warbank acces isnt part of the f2p experience is some kind of odd. Check the restriktions for f2p in other languages than english and you won't find in every case the part where they say that warbank is not a part of f2p. at least the german documentation of f2p limitatons doesnt't contain the sentence where they say that warbank is for subbed accounts.
Wow in a nutshell: Team A develops expansion 1, Team B develops expansion two. Expansion 1 drops, team A splits off and starts expansion 3. Team B continues work on expansion 2, expansion 1 becomes current live team iteration version. Current team iterates based on what they have in front of them at the time, whatever nonsense was ordered from the top combined with whatever directions given by the leads of their dept.

Expansion 2 drops, Live team rotates to working on that, adapting to a completely different experience, Team B rotates to expansion 4, Team A still working on Expansion 3, and this dance continues each expansion. This creates a sort of De Facto 'disconnect' between the development of the game/content of the game, with a complete lack of consistency.

The only consistency you have is the understanding something is going to be there for you to use so you can 'skip' to current content. Be it a boost, some expedited leveling, a level squish. Blizzard will do whatever they can to get you into the newest content, including offering free sub weekends and then promptly rotate an entire expansion to the base level game.

To say that any part of wow is the 'intended' part of the game is kind of odd, given that the game is pretty much rebuilt from scratch each expansion, with little thought to anything 'evergreen.' Blizzard quite deliberately says stuff like 'classic plus' and then delivers something like SoD, completely missing what the community had asked for in their classic + requests.

They say stuff like 'evergreen features, like Warbands and Delves' when clearly, those features are not evergreen nor something you can even do without having the latest expansion + an active sub. I mean, you can use the Warband features that overlap with players of all levels, but you can't fully utilize them like a person with TWW could.

The only signals I am getting from Blizzard is that it's time to stop caring about what mess they decided to make of Wow. It was already a steaming pile, through all the years we tried to make the best of min/maxing. It really has been a roller coaster of 'will they, won't they' continue to support the lower level communities of this game. It's pretty clear, this is not where we are supposed to be playing, they aren't going let us do it for free.

Oh well! Wish you guys could have my stuff...
My opinion won't be anything new, but might as well give it. I'll try and keep the saltiness down.

I haven't played WoW in a few months now, but when I saw this, it killed my desire to return. I don't mind paying a sub if it's for something I want to play, I don't even mind paying a 1 month sub to retrieve my items from the now-locked warbank, I don't even mind the gold I spent unlocking said bank. What I do mind is the total lack of consistency, communication, and basic respect for their playerbase. If I return at this point, it'll be to retrieve what items and gold I may need back to my main, and call it done. But even then I don't love giving them more of my money knowing how they treat their players. There are many better games I can and have been playing that don't waste my time.

I like WoW, I probably always will, but what I like about it gets more and more muddied beneath game changes every expansion. The reality is that WoW used to be the industry powerhouse, but now there are so many alternative options for far less investment that Blizzard seems to have lost perspective. WoW is no longer unique, it's no longer the only option, and trying to rake players over the coals and acting as if said players have no choice is either ego or flat greed.

I've tried to justify playing many times, and I love playing my DH. They'd have to gut its most fundamental mechanics to stop me enjoying it. The problem is that every time I compare my experience in this game to other games I could be playing, WoW comes up short again and again. Even when I was living the good life at f2P lvl 20, it felt as if I were an outcast on the edges of acceptability in-game, two steps from a full-fledged outlaw. Blizzard certainly didn't care about my experience, and my biggest concerns revolved around what they would give/take away next. Normal players I came across often didn't understand my playstyle when I explained it to them, telling me, "Just pay a sub, dude, can't you pay?"
As I've said before, paying wasn't the issue, I simply enjoy the challenge of f2p more than the sub, which they couldn't understand. And even Blizzard's inconsistency was part of the challenge, and the fun. But it gets harder when they give you complete systems, only to take them away without warning. The phrase, "Fool me once," comes to mind. The fact is, we've all been burned enough over the years that we should know what's up at this point. We're welcome to play our level 20s, but will we retain any bank access, will we retain flying, will our gear not get properly scaled in the next expansion and become unusable? The truth is all of that is on the table, because Blizzard changes their minds with the wind.
We've never been their target audience, and probably never will be. We're more of an anomaly in the system at this point, functioning within loopholes and grey areas in the rules, which can and do get shifted and redrawn all the time.

Is it a fun playstyle at times? Absolutely. But I think it's important for any of us who are committed to this playstyle to step back a moment, and understand that we are the black sheep in this equation. We can't take any game systems for granted, because Blizzard is shifting their rules without concern for us. We can't futureproof ourselves beyond sticking to the bedrock systems-old bank, character bank, base class mechanics, etc.

And then after you've done that, ask yourself: with all the hoops we have to jump through and all the systems we're cut off from, would another game be more fun?

For me, the answer is plain. I'll come back once in a blue moon to play my DH, but I'm done with their new systems, and I don't care to pay for a sub again if I can help it. Not when I have other free games that give me full access to all systems that I enjoy more as a whole.

I think it takes a specific kind of person to play the way we do, and I think it's amazing how people in this community have been able to suck fun from a game clearly not designed for them. But I think that speaks less about the quality of the game and more to the ingenuity and creativity of the players.

Games should be fun because of their mechanics, not despite them.
To you lot still actively playing, I salute you, and hope you can dig out the fun you're seeking.
The profession rotation isn't that big of a deal with newly created F2P characters, but for established F2P characters after getting your enchants, bags, alchemy flask and engineering professions maxed out it a little slow to keep engineering as the main example and can only have one other profession to gather more mats to re-do the enchants on the newer ilvl gear as needed. At least the first tab of the Warband bank helped with storing mats for your F2P, now one can still burrow from the Warband bank for crafting but without depositing, you can't craft for your army anymore ;)

But I guess this is just for PVE, because at least with the 20th Anniversary Event Korrak's Revenge, most of the gems or stat enchants are nerf'd anyway.

I did notice that the Archaeology green pieces are not considered regents yet can before the lockout they could be placed into the Warband bank, similarly to the DF Warband tokens, Argent Dawn token and other non-regents that one was able to put in. But Marks of Honor seemed to work while in the Warband bank, so may in the future these other items will be useable without a subscription (lol).
I'm not sure if i'm seeing things, I noticed if you open the warbank in the bank and click sort your warbank, it actually deposits reagents into the warbank
I haven't got to test this, so are you saying that it auto deposits regents into empty spaces or only if that regent was already deposited prior to the lockout?

Yet this may only work for the crafting character, as in you can use up the regent via crafting to create an empty space or to leave at least 1 regent left but then if wanting to switch profession, have to gather a different regent for the potential empty slots in the warband bank to hope to insert those new regents.

But I wonder if this would be considered exploitation of a potential bug?! (aka get account banned or such).
I haven't got to test this, so are you saying that it auto deposits regents into empty spaces or only if that regent was already deposited prior to the lockout?

Yet this may only work for the crafting character, as in you can use up the regent via crafting to create an empty space or to leave at least 1 regent left but then if wanting to switch profession, have to gather a different regent for the potential empty slots in the warband bank to hope to insert those new regents.

But I wonder if this would be considered exploitation of a potential bug?! (aka get account banned or such).
I need to test it again, i remember i pressed sort once then i saw a lot of empty slots in my bag ‍♂️
Because of this i had to unlearn engineering. Log main account, buy mats to skill up SL JC, log back on trial acc, train and get 30 of each jewel clusters, then unlearn it for so to learn engineering again, and it was pain because i forgot to have a gyromatic on me soooo fk em. But yeah atleast you can put mats in the warbound and trains and craft stuff on the trial. For now...
I'm not sure if i'm seeing things, I noticed if you open the warbank in the bank and click sort your warbank, it actually deposits reagents into the warbank
Maybe i'm doing something wrong but when i click on sort nothing happens for me.
Because of this i had to unlearn engineering. Log main account, buy mats to skill up SL JC, log back on trial acc, train and get 30 of each jewel clusters, then unlearn it for so to learn engineering again, and it was pain because i forgot to have a gyromatic on me soooo fk em. But yeah atleast you can put mats in the warbound and trains and craft stuff on the trial. For now...
Did you not make the Garrison Engineering Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife or one of Gnomish Army Knife versions :p ?
Well yes i did make Gnomish Army Knife.. Their all in the Warband bank! >_<
Ohhhh Nooooooo -- shoot, luckily the Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife is soulbound so cannot normally go into the Warband bank.

The others I guess are not soulbound ;)
As a side note - if one unlocked the Mecha Gnome allied race, THEY still need a Gnomish Army Knife or enchanting rod because their racial ability Mastercraft apparently (unless changed with one of the recent patches) do not count as an enchanting/disenchanting rod ;)
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I see alot of people talk about enchanting on trial characters, is this for gold mkaing? New to twinking

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