Microsoft never intended warband access for trial accounts. Gold = WoW tokens = money. You could sell a gold capped warband trial account to someone effectively setting them up for free play after the initial $15. Does anyone ever think about the shareholders, for fuck's sake?
If it had worked like this from day 1, I don't think people would've been mad. Instead there's evidence Microsoft intended it to work this way:Microsoft never intended warband access for trial accounts. Gold = WoW tokens = money. You could sell a gold capped warband trial account to someone effectively setting them up for free play after the initial $15. Does anyone ever think about the shareholders, for fuck's sake?
Warband gold cap 99,999,999.I don't understand how selling gold capped a/c has anything to do with warband. Even without warband, people can buy a normal gold capped a/c perhaps with a pre-leveled lvl20 vet that they can login and play the lvl20 content and subscribe later. Or even better instead of buying a new a/c, just obtain gold from a normal gold seller using their own a/c. This could involve direct trading (risky) or thru some gold laundering scheme like selling/buying junk items at a high price using the AH .
I hope you're right. Flying and warband are the two biggest perks F2P has/had.If it had worked like this from day 1, I don't think people would've been mad. Instead there's evidence Microsoft intended it to work this way:
1. F2P/Vet accounts had access for 5 months; and
2. Early on a bug was fixed with F2P accounts withdrawing more than their gold cap. So you can't argue they didn't know F2Ps had access.
There's really no evidence of your claim. It's just a post facto justification for the far more likely explanation that either they changed their minds and did it with no notice OR they fixed some bug or some undesirable behavior by closing off Warbank access to F2Ps (eg to stop a duping bug) and then decided they'd rather have it this way.
The problem here is that people invested sometimes months in it working this way. That's a large part of why people are (justifiably) mad. "You should've known" is really a baseless claim, probably because you either don't like that it worked this way for whatever reason or it simply didn't impact you.
I know, this never happened beforewith no notice
If it makes you feel any better... 99% of my gold and all of my cool stuff is in there. If we're ever offered free game time we might be able to take stuff out.The core disappointment for me, was I was in the middle of getting the enchant scrolls to my non-enchanters as I moved out some of the crafting mats out to make room. So now my enchanter has the ore/herbs meant for the other characters in their regent bank.
But I did plan ahead as I figured this would get broken one day, so at least two of my main F2Ps have the scrolls in their bank but as I switched my Hunter from Survival to Marksmanship I only had the BIS melee weapon enchants stored in the bank and I just used the last Force Multiplier on a ilvl 96 gun from Cataclysm Timewalking that was 'better' than the Sholazar Basin Dragon Slayer's Shortbow. I do have Engineering and the Sniper Scope known, but the Force Multiplier works on at least Hunter ranged weapons (for now).
The problem here is that people invested sometimes months in it working this way. That's a large part of why people are (justifiably) mad. "You should've known" is really a baseless claim, probably because you either don't like that it worked this way for whatever reason or it simply didn't impact you.
Warband gold cap 99,999,999.
Trial account cost per expansion $0.
Trial cost per month $0.
How much did the vet account pay to get to that gold cap? How many subscriptions did they buy? How many expansions did they buy? All 240 months of WoW? All 11 expansions of WoW? $4,000?
I can't comment on bots, account hacking, nor gold sellers.
The point is that the money would go to the trial account holder as opposed to Microsoft Blizzard.
Again, I can't comment on a subbed account botting, account hacking, nor selling gold. I have no idea what dollar amount trial accounts from non developed countries assign to their time from a value perspective. I don't think farming raw gold from mobs would be the best use of their time. I imagine they'd probably quest, do some dungeons, maybe farm a lucrative rare reality no, trial account can't bot without being discovered easily. Killing mobs for raw gold from non current expansion is the only way trial a/c can obtain gold. I don't know if there are mobs from vanilla to DF expac that can drop extraordinary amount of gold. In all cases, getting lots of gold enough for a few tokens, let alone reaching gold cap, requires 24x7(or something similar) farming which will certainly get you banned or flagged for potential botting.
Cant find similar article about veteran acc but cant expect for real there will be any difference is thisIts intentional
World of Warcraft Starter Edition Limitations
"Depositing or withdrawing from the Warband Bank" added either today or yesterday