Wandering Isle Stayers

Grats Doubleagent, may I ask what the total played time was?


I honestly haven't checked since level 90 was over, nor do I want to really. There was so much negativity over how much time I spent doing this (a lot of the herbing/mining aspect is what took the longest pre-experience squish) in something I enjoyed that I don't really want to fuel further comments about that. Though there are people speculating on how much my /played is, which I guess they are free to do.

I do have my neutral hunter that I am leveling the "easy" way since it's one of the few options, but I've recently started my leveling of my low level mage and I think I might record all my level up progress on that one to youtube to 70 perhaps (not the other stuff I do in between on it, but all the actually leveling from around level 12 on) I was actually on it quite a bit today, leveling very slowly on purpose farming Ethereal Credits (Once I outlevel the mobs I will be wearing my heirlooms that give bonus experience, the only downside is when I'm logged offright now I'm getting rested which I don't really want so I can farm more, but it's unavoidable). Just need to figure out how to do all the stuff I want to do in the game on top of the lovely Wandering Isle (ie WSG rep to max on my main, legendary quest chain that I'm trying to simultaneously do on 4 characters on top of work)

I should actually be asleep now, but I've been sick the last few weeks and lost my voice on Wednesday, but I'm for the most part feeling better aside from insomnia and not being able to talk much. I love this game. :)

ETA: Uploaded the ding part of the 100 event.

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Quiet around here.

I've started leveling a neutral mage as well, currently level 26, might get it another level sometime Sunday... waiting on some rested experience since it is starting to slow down. Have noticed that it is quite a bit faster now with the experience squish. There is parts of the isle I can get to on my hunter that I can't get to on Doubleagent, even with faster speed Disengage just makes that bit of an extra boost making it possible to get to climbing the isle.

Has anyone leveled a Rogue high enough with Huo to see if the +70% with Burst of Speed stacks with Huo?
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Just came back since im on spring break, what are the new interesting things that have come with BoA's ect. Double i noticed you switched from ele to Enhance how did you do that is it now possible to get the dust to change specs?
Just came back since im on spring break, what are the new interesting things that have come with BoA's ect. Double i noticed you switched from ele to Enhance how did you do that is it now possible to get the dust to change specs?

I put in a ticket and a GM was nice enough to reset me, though I was told it was a one time thing, would be nice if there were trainers there to do it myself.

Have ya'll seen the Neutral Garrison? (I joke, or am I? :p)
PWNCAST Exclusive Breaking News – Double Agent the Panda Picks a Faction! | The Daily Quest thought I'd just leave this here. I found it pretty funny. The PTR video was a nice touch.

lol, IKR? It is a good way to test bugs, it looks like if you leave the isle at 90+ the NPCs to turn the quest in are nowhere to be found, but there is NO WAY I'm going to try it on a Live server, but had the same issue when I was testing on the Draenor beta when leaving the isle at 90, I think I got some footage of that kicking around on my computer that I hadn't uploaded, I was lagging SO badly during that whole thing (Didn't help that I didn't have a new video card at that time yet), I brought DA off the isle during the last day of Draenor beta since the GMs were summoning creatures, suffice it to say at the time there was no heirlooms for neutrals and I was getting 1 shotted like crazy. Might upload that at some point now that the April Fool's is taking care of... Was going to rerecord the Alliance one with a date showing up top, but the PTR had that Void Totem thing going on again which would have made it too obvious.

I hit Level 30 on my Neutralmage an hour or so ago (Took like 2 hours 40 minutes, though I wasn't taking the most efficient routes, was doing it a bit different than normal for level 30), working on converting it and uploading later, gametime expires later today, and will probably renew it Friday night... Can't stay away for too long. :p
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First of all I wanna say "Hello!" to all the Wandering Isle Stayers :)

I am a player from Europe, but I'm currently playing on Chinese realms (long story), CN1 奥特兰克 (Alterac Mountains PvP). Inspired by Doubleagent I decided to level a Neutral Pandaren Shaman as well, currently I am level 29.
I'll see how long I'll keep going, at the moment I don't feel discouraged :p

Cheers guys.




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My account time ran out earlier today, was hoping the game tokens would have been in game so I could potentially use some neutral gold or excess gold on subscription time. Might just wait til tomorrow night to resub since I'll be gone most of tomorrow anyway. Should still be able to play a few of my neutrals under level 20 in the meantime.

First of all I wanna say "Hello!" to all the Wandering Isle Stayers :)

Klinton @

Welcome! Yeah, the lower levels aren't too bad, once the nodes start giving about 10 a piece it takes a bit longer.


I dont know who did it but it's amazinng!

WoW Challenge

Yeah, I'm not sure how it updates. Not sure if I resubmit my characters if they would show up twice or how that would work. I assume it's the page of someone who posted on one of my videos a day or so ago. Was trying to see if it was possible to change mine to Canada or if the US servers are just default US flag. :p

Glad I got a much faster internet connection now, but future level-ups could have potential huge files if I keep recording, guess I'll just point the capture towards one of my bigger hard drives if I need to. I was trying out streaming for a few lower levels, but lost some of the recording due to it freezing on me. Got my hunter to 74 earlier too.

Edit to add Level 30 vid for my mage, Neutralagent-Mannoroth.



Edit: Level 30 to 31 (Not rushing) 3 hours 40 minutes - kind of funny Skype noise on it at the start, didn't even hear it come up when I was recording, just noticed it flashing.


Edit: Level 33 video

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I'm just an F2Per, but I've now also got a Neutral char Aislingngaio @ Aegwynn just out of curiousity XD She's already decked out in all max enchants and gear and just needs to level from 16 to 20. I know that hardly compares to hardcore Neutral chars levelling all the way to 100, but I love the concept!

#ForTheNeutral !
Looks like we lost a few posts in the crash. :\ I'm going to reupload my 45 Part 1 video, the audio looks like it got out of sync for some reason, so I'm just gonna reup it with the audio stripped.
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Glad I saved this one :)

reuploading, cheers! Level 66:


edit: [MENTION=20070]Doubleagent[/MENTION] I remember a high-levelled (70+ at that time) monk at US server in your raid grp at your 90 ding vid, but the video quality is so rad that I can't figure out the name, do you maybe remember? It was 100% a monk and I want to see if she's legit levelled and if so add her to ranks
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Grats on 66! I'm gonna send ya a short PM, had sent ya one before the forums went wonky.

I remember a high-levelled (70+ at that time) monk at US server in your raid grp at your 90 ding vid, but the video quality is so rad that I can't figure out the name, do you maybe remember? It was 100% a monk and I want to see if she's legit levelled and if so add her to ranks

I know a few high levels not on the pages who are neutral, but I'm not going to mention them unless they want to be added. I'm pretty sure they know about the ranking pages, just haven't posted their character on there (I was actually in group with this person recently and covered up their name for their privacy) since I was recording at the time.

Should be 86 tomorrow on my hunter. Going to try and do most of my Dragon Soul farming tonight to have more time to do neutral stuff tomorrow (hopefully). If I ever get my neutral mage to 100 I'll have a mage of every faction at 100.

Edit: Speaking of which, I just got my last mount I was missing from DS on my main character, so no longer need to farm it every week if I don't want. :)

ETA: Hopefully these forums stay up. :)
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edit: [MENTION=20070]Doubleagent[/MENTION] I remember a high-levelled (70+ at that time) monk at US server in your raid grp at your 90 ding vid, but the video quality is so rad that I can't figure out the name, do you maybe remember? It was 100% a monk and I want to see if she's legit levelled and if so add her to ranks

Well, I think you're talking about me, I didn't wanted to bring all the attention that Doubleagent has, neither be added to ranking or be covered by any news.
Technically I'm world second max-level neutral.
I've leveled mostly with quests, mixed with some herbalism and mining pre-90.

Here's a screenshot of my level 100 that was reached in March:

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