Wandering Isle Stayers

Hello again and sorry for spam!
Just a mere thought: Anyone who wants to stay on wandering isle on Magtheridon server should (don't have to, but it will help) download F2P addon. It shows people from your faction on your server with the addon (in our situation it would be neutral pandaren on the isle only). It gives overall data of how many people are doing it on Magtheridon, makes making big party easier and most important - it gives us a separate chat without limitations of general - wandering isle.
Still looking for more stayers!
Stayers @ Darrowmere, I'd like to personally invite any players looking for a server to have a Stayers Community on a US server to join Darrowmere, and for EU preference I recomend Magtheridon.

Quick question, though you can't join bgs is it possible to flag yourself pvp in any way? (might make honorable kills a thing)
Sorry mate but magtheridon was my server way before i met cripz if that is what is your problem. Besides, the community is sitting there, excluding Bon who wanders alone @Dunemaul.
I highly encourage you to forget about your hate and join our community :)
Will post a long thing tomorrow, but now good night!
The long post promised yesterday.

Hello fellow stayers, twinks, people. I wrote here to once more advertise the idea to stay at wandering isle. The thing that makes it special is, that it can be done by everyone now (doesn't need pandaria), sadly excluding F2P players, but I believe some of them have paid accounts to join us in the adventure. I want to make a big community of stayers, create ranking, guides... When permanent trial first went live, not many people thought that it will become SO POPULAR. It was the people who made it so enjoyable experience. Videos, guides, playing together, the climate... I want to reproduce it in different envirement. The place of a mystical island, where patch notes aren't killing your bracket. Where your beloved twink won't be destroyed by single expansion. You can create a character and not play it the whole time. It will never become the main of alts. The idea was made to log in, talk with people, laugh with some shocked low levels, tell your story. Get some exp, grind some gold. The stayer's community is still developing. There is no one at level 30 now. There is no one with "loot 100 gold" achievement now. There is no one who looted mechanical squirrel pattern now. No one to hit revered with Shang Xi academy. No one to create a guild, and what even about levelling a guild to 25! Just like 50 twinks at their time, I call you!
Right now, the blizzard suggestion department got a suggestion of many things that could make the isle more interesting. Fishing / Cooking trainer, one briarthorn and tin vein node, duel zone, guild NPC... we have many ideas. Add me: Ariadna#2986 as your Real ID friend, roll any class on Magtheridon EU server, and let that go out with a bang!

I have a plan on starting a serious ranking if more people start staying, but I don't want to make it just to be top 1 in everything. Do you guys want some kind of ranking? I could also ask anyone who is responsible for the site to make a subforum for us, but that only if there will be more than 30 people.

Wandering isle stayers - JOIN US!
people still doing this?
Items gladly show that that character was outsider (or was doing dungeons) - that ones, who got many levels or very changing items, are not counted IMO as stayers, but rather as just neutral pandaren, who glitched out of the zone.
To the question if people are still doing it: I of course am levelling my stayer, was silent because i had some kind of ban from my parents because I played too much... About WEUJ, Bon or Eg, I am not sure (I guess that if they play, they dont do it often.) But of course everyone is welcome and I would gladly see anyone above level 25 with exception of me and Bon :)
US darrowmere was not fully planned, but if you made chars there that means that US DARROWMERE SERVER is main community servers of panda stayers in United States.
I got fishing and my staff by using Zen Pilgrimage - Spell - World of Warcraft while it was available, but that was not what I meant to do and I asked GM to move me back.
Bon got his stuff by going into random inst, which was also available back then. Only option which is not checked yet is using the hearthstone like scroll from inscription (its available there and has effect that teleports into random place if user is 40+ lvl.)
Slowly but steady getting close to level 30... For US i guess there is not even first 20+, no one with 25+ gold :D Go on, grab that "world first" and make the idea spread!
Please post your armory links here and I will make a list, if we have more than 10 people in total, also a ladder, to make it a bit more exciting (rivalisation) and I guess the points will be: Level, Achievements (only those got on panda isle, will need your inspect screens then ;/) Gold, reputation with Shang-Xi (some guys have even more than I have, and I have more than Bon and WEUJ... I find that odd).

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