They removed the riding skill of all neutral pandaren that had it. Mailbox still works, but they killed WoW Armory App so you can't buy anything.With the new AH mount ... can panda stayers use it? Any mailboxes?
How do you mail items though? Every time I tried it said that the "recepient hasn't chosen a faction", whether I tried BoE items or BoAThere's only one person I know who can get BOEs to starting zone, but he is on Darrowmere. So if you have a main on that realm and want to mail items to a neutral on the island, he can do it for you.
How do you mail items though? Every time I tried it said that the "recepient hasn't chosen a faction", whether I tried BoE items or BoA
Fancy, I wonder if they did the same guild trick we though of way back and got guild rep via pet battle hand ins or something? (Or Blingtron dailies if they somehow managed to level engineering high enough.
Oh right I forgot someone managed to make a guild, they still have it? Since blizz went on a clean sweep for neutrals.
There's only one person I know who can get BOEs to starting zone, but he is on Darrowmere. So if you have a main on that realm and want to mail items to a neutral on the island, he can do it for you.
Pretty sure they mentioned it wasn't coming back because guild features were going to be integrated with the companion app or something.Is there any word from Blizzard on the Remote Auction House / Armory app coming back?