This I completely agree with the fact that a large amount of the 19s need to actually group up and form a guild that can be the driving force of the faction.
The problems are clear.
There are to many so called leaders that will not step down from their high horses and let someone lead if it is not them, then we get into the players that would be great leaders that really don't want to lead. They don't want to constant drama that comes with running a guild. And finally the many many players that stay in their once active guild for nostalgia reasons.
To fix this it all is clear what needs to be done, people need to drop the past and grow up, the person who steps up would have a huge task to get these kind of players behind him/her.
The guild that forms needs a great guild leader, one of two kinds of leader will be needed.
A very skilled player that has the respect of all of his/her members, skilled enough that the members of the guild look up to when it comes to skill in pvp. This person would also need to have the drive to constantly improve as a player and guild leader, looking to constantly grow the guild through recruitment/skill/activity. This kind of person will need to ether have Co-GMs that would handle more of the guild activities and recruitment and is a driving force behind the skill and premade team.
The opposite is a Guild Leader that runs the guild above all, Pushes constantly for growth and is the kind of player that everyone likes, it helps that this player is skilled at pvp but doesn't have to be the best. It would be best if the Co-Gms or Officers are more recognized for their skill and respected as such or else the guild will just become another inactive shell.
Other things the guild will need
Above all else this guild will need to Premade, Premades mean activity and shows others that you are fielding skilled players, which on it's own right will bring more players to the guild faster than any recruitment threads.
Skype/Raidcall (I absolutely love RC) is needed and communication is a must.