I didnt say 9 agil was nothing. I meant that it wont do me much good if i cant use it in battlegrounds, which is my primary interest. In any case i cant find chops 20 guide.
I didnt say 9 agil was nothing. I meant that it wont do me much good if i cant use it in battlegrounds, which is my primary interest. In any case i cant find chops 20 guide.
https://www.wowhead.com/item=75525/alchemists-flask#created-by-spellwhere? not at alch trainer.
I do believe he's referring to the meta-guide index, which can be found here. A very useful collection of guides (including Cigs outstanding "How Do I Get That" video series) that you might find is worth looking through.I cant seem to find '@Chops 20 guide,' but outside battlegrounds isnt going t do me much good anyway.
Irrelevant info but it's actually 4h15mhttps://www.wowhead.com/item=75525/alchemists-flask#created-by-spell
This one, actually gives 9 [stat], and 12 in BG. Lasts for 4 hours, but 5 hours if you drink it again haha. Check the vid here
EDIT: I didn't see the previous reply for some reason, which covers my info pretty much haha oops!
I just did this recently, farmed two kits at once and I absolutely hated those couple hours... I was even farming on a druid which was like the easiest... I do regret not getting it on my toons that are transferred already though...The Flask is awesome, it's farming for it on X different twinks that sucks. Did it 4 times, wont be doing it again anytime soon.
I didn't want to farm the flask mats on my last two toons, so I just went inscription for the shoulder enchants. I try to justify it by saying I'll do more arena and wargamesI just did this recently, farmed two kits at once and I absolutely hated those couple hours... I was even farming on a druid which was like the easiest... I do regret not getting it on my toons that are transferred already though...
You get the Flask recipe from the traineruh, ok. sorry to be so obtuse, but this seems to refer to a wow classic flask, with instructions for leveling classic alch to 300. still no mention of where you get the actual recipe for the flask. i don't see it at the trainer. i have a level 20 ftp toon on retail. i actually thought the prof cap for f2p was 200, but maybe it changed or i'm mistaken.
Lol did you watch the video or anything?ok, back to square one. the alch flask the trainer has at 300 skill, mats 7 icecap, mtn silversage, ghost mushroom, gives 4 agil for 2 hours, not 9 agil, not even 6 as the tooltips above show. is this wrong? does it say 4 and gives 9? wtf
uh, ok. sorry to be so obtuse, but this seems to refer to a wow classic flask, with instructions for leveling classic alch to 300. still no mention of where you get the actual recipe for the flask. i don't see it at the trainer. i have a level 20 ftp toon on retail. i actually thought the prof cap for f2p was 200, but maybe it changed or i'm mistaken.
Prof cap used to be 100 for F2P, level capped for Vets maybe a few years back. Nowadays, everything is unlocked up to BFA. Anything SL related will require level 50+. As for your tool tips question, ever since they've done the level squish, MOST tooltips are incorrect, and you'll actually have to check your stat screen to see the correct stats.
But gearing as a Vet/f2p twink in a nutshell:
1. Farming for BC gem slot dungeon gear
2. Farming ~20 or so +2 main/+2 secondary gems (either Wrath JC/Marks of Honor)
3. Farming for Mark of the Hidden Satyr neck enchant (optional, and extremely painful as F2P)
4. Farming 1-300 Classic Alch for Alchemists flask (optional)
5. Pickup Northrend Engineering and level it to 5 for Cobalt Frag Grenade belt attachment
There's a few more advanced things you can do like farming Legion/BFA zones for slotted gear/secondary focused stats, but you can get by pretty well just with Gemmed gear and Cobalt Frag Grenade. If you have a main, getting the mats for 1-300 alch will take up to 1.5 - 2 hours on a druid (can use Class Trial, but remember that they have a 3 hour time limit, and once it's over, you will be locked out). If you are a New F2P, you may not have access to BC dungeon queues, but I believe all older F2P accounts should still have access to it
It would probably help if someone made a hunter guide which talked about the flask, and even more helpful if someone else makes a video guide about it, and it would absolutely top it off if people linked you the videoincorrect 4 agil which is actually 9 agil?
Flask gives 9 agi. I got mine yesterday.