TBF, a 29 resto is going to erase everything in the battleground-- even other 29s. But I get your point. The gap is significant for sure. Best thing to do is CC the shit out of them/focus them with the right numbers or else it's going to be a long daybecause the gap between 20s and 29s is way too big, so it doesnt matter what class you play since you'll flop either way.
a fully decked 20 in ilvl 87's has around 4.5-4.8k hp for reference.
I believe retri with baron's blade can be viable. Haven't tested it yet in pvp as I'm in the process of gearing one, but your heal from blade gets stronger with each point of str and versYea but for example locks hit hard even at 20s,any other class which would maybe benefit of the mastery warforged gear?Would retri pala,balance druid or rogues do anything?
Im asking solely from the perspective that in the offchance im paired with other 20s will i be able to do some dmg?It's a tough question to answer because you're asking for a meta check.
Nothing is viable in the sense that every class gets one shot by a decked out level 29 character. There isn't any meta. All of the cards in your hand have "You lose" written on them.
Are you asking from a hypothetical 20 wargame perspective?
Sounds like barons blade is better than warforged weapon??I believe retri with baron's blade can be viable. Haven't tested it yet in pvp as I'm in the process of gearing one, but your heal from blade gets stronger with each point of str and vers
Im asking solely from the perspective that in the offchance im paired with other 20s will i be able to do some dmg?
Balance: damage will be middle of the pack. I didn't test Starfall in BGs because frankly you will get destroyed, but that might add up over a close game to be substantial. Your offheals are absolutely godlike, though. Better than a healer for the 4-5 casts before you oom. Your utility is nuts, especially now that Balance has Root/Beam at 20.
I did test a starfall focused build in a BG. It was pretty meh. Not the glory I was expecting. Too many endgame nerfs.
excited to test new talent abilities tho.
I’d expect anyone who plays 29 hunts will probably swap to 29 rsham after next patch tho
I mean, they spent the whole of SL buffing hunters...for literally any other part of the game they think that is okay?
Thanks for taking the time to explain these to me,much appreciatedGotcha - for the three specs you mentioned (tests on pvp dummy and in duels):
Balance: damage will be middle of the pack. I didn't test Starfall in BGs because frankly you will get destroyed, but that might add up over a close game to be substantial. Your offheals are absolutely godlike, though. Better than a healer for the 4-5 casts before you oom. Your utility is nuts, especially now that Balance has Root/Beam at 20.
Retribution: damage will be above average, especially now that your kitable issue is better with Blessing of Freedom. Your offheals will be very good as well. Crusader aura is fun. Your utility with HoJ, Repentance/Blinding Light, Hand of Freedom, etc, is god tier.
Rogue: very low end damage (relative to other specs). The best crowd control utility in the bracket. You are everything that a rogue would ever want to be, minus the embarrassingly low damage potential.
Absolutely, it has same ilvl as warforged and great utility. Also since its already epic if you want to minmax you just need socket proc, unlike rolling for warforged+socket drop from WoD dungeon. Unless you have blade with crusader applied, that beats socket dropIm asking solely from the perspective that in the offchance im paired with other 20s will i be able to do some dmg?
Sounds like barons blade is better than warforged weapon??
The problem is that Resto Shamans are one of(if not the) weakest healers in end game pvp right now. Cdew basically said it's the weakest it's felt in years. I wouldn't be surprised to see Riptide and/or ES get a 15% buff with the damage talents remaining the same.
I think Blizzard was going for a design that sacrificed some healing for more damage abilities with Resto compared to other specs, but healing isn't where it's at right now. Good chance these Restos will be even stronger pretty soon here
With such high magic damage, the ability to block and cut it in half with Holy Shield seems decent. Anyone tried prot pally?
cdew had to switch to another healer late BFA think druid? and maybe into SL. cdew had like a 8 year run with res sham, other influencers same with mages. for years AWC was near always res sham/f mage with warlock, the year a bal druid won in place of a mage, the spec was ganked hard by blizz