big pwner never small pwn
did you honestly just try to prove my statement wrong?
do you honestly not see the flaw
the left-wing ladies and gentlemen
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As you can see, on average, people with a degree get paid more.
The average US teacher makes $60,000 for working < 40 weeks a year. The average Dane makes $43,000 for working 52. Is collaborating with the Nazis in WWII why you’re so ducking poor?36k is absolutely terrible for a job that requires a bachelors degree LMAO.
MVQ regurgitates what he reads online. His free “education” didn’t teach him to think critically, so he can’t analyze things. That’s why for example he’ll rail that it’s ridiculous our teachers only make almost 50% more than the average Dane.Who remembers the time mvq tried to prove ILLEGAL immigrants weren’t ALL criminals.
God bless leftists.
Turkey took in the most syrians and look at turkey now, theyre breeding like rabbits and changing the voting demographics in favor of islamism. (Same shit is happening with south americans in the usa so democrats can stay in power)
Im all for helping people, but not at the expense of fucking up an entire county’s demographics
Turkish people have a birth rate much more in-line with the west, syrians are popping out babies 3-4x faster than turks. Its also closer to 5% of the population, the last time i was in istanbul there were syrians begging on the street everywhere. Syrians sleeping in public parks, its sad but turks didnt vote for this shit. Its just a power-grab by the ruling govtNot sure how 3% of turkey being Syrian somehow will turn Turkey into an islamic state. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants from any country will have "normal" birth rates. So no, they are not breeding like rabbits.
Also, 3rd generation immigrants and onwards will be integrated into the culture, and thus will be much more secullar.
Of course. You’re ass backward in thought process and don’t give a damn about what’s right or factual - you just want free shit stolen from others, and anyone that sees things your way rocks in your bookThis thread made me have a new found respect for MVQ. lol
Turkish people have a birth rate much more in-line with the west, syrians are popping out babies 3-4x faster than turks. Its also closer to 5% of the population, the last time i was in istanbul there were syrians begging on the street everywhere. Syrians sleeping in public parks, its sad but turks didnt vote for this shit. Its just a power-grab by the ruling govt
You're just jealous I didn't say something nice about you, too. ^_~Of course. You’re ass backward in thought process and don’t give a damn about what’s right or factual - you just want free shit stolen from others, and anyone that sees things your way rocks in your book
https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---inst/documents/publication/wcms_719235.pdfCould you please send me a source on the birth rate of Syrians in Turkey? Every study I've read shows immigrant birth rates going down after every generation, until it reaches that of the native population.
We have a bunch of immigrants, so the nationalistic argument you're making doesn't really apply to Denmark. There is quite a handful who feel like if you aren't a true Dane you shouldn't get benefits, but the majority agree that being born on the other side of an arbitrary line in the ground doesn't make you any different.
Denmark has become the first country to deny a Syrian asylum on the basis that the country is safe, despite continued killings of civilians due to airstrikes saying otherwise.
According to the Refugee Board, a Danish independent group that deals with complaints about asylum-related decisions in the country, a number of asylum applications related to Syrians in Damascus have been denied residency as the area is now considered "safe" and so not applicable for residency.
An individual's appeal was denied on the basis that "general conditions" in the Damascus region were acceptable.
Emma Beals, an expert on Syria condemned the country, tweeting: "Denmark just became the first place to deny a Syrian asylum on the basis that Syria is safe now and no personal protection issues exist."
"This is not true. Nobody can be said to be 'safe' to return."
She went on to add: "Denmark decided in June that Damascus is safe and people from there needed personal reasons for protection, rather than blanket protections for all Syrians because *war*. It's impossible to say that Damascus or any particular individual is safe at the present time."
so which is it?