@US 29's - Behave

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Homerpimpson said:
oh **** is that why you guys were farming below the gy last week. man i feel stupid now cause i was fighting back at times. not even sure if you were in that game i remember ohai minowman broshot and a few others going at it below our gy.

That whole time in vent i was like damn it homer stop fighting back I don't want to kill you too. I tried to tell horde in vent to tell you to just go on out but i dont think it worked.
wowcmfeedback said:
Dear Player,

There have been rampant issues of harassment, trolling, and other forum Code of Conduct violations in the 29 BGs threads which have been reported by multiple other players. Each claim and report has been thoroughly investigated as per normal protocol. While we embrace the idea of 29 twinks enjoying their PvP community, if multiple individuals cannot abide by the Code of Conduct and so derail a thread that it is no longer constructive or productive, then we will continue to take the appropriate action.

As has been stated numerous times in these locked threads, players must abide by the rules in order to maintain a civil and constructive atmosphere for other players.

Code of Conduct - Community - Battle.net

Welcome: Please Read! - Forums - World of Warcraft

-The World of Warcraft Community Team

The reply I received from wowcmfeedback.
well, we already know they don't thoroughly investigate each report, otherwise certain individuals wouldn't be banned and one of the people who was wouldn't have had their ban over-turned
"Each claim and report has been thoroughly investigated as per normal protocol."



Anyone who has been involved in this knows that's complete bull.
Homerpimpson said:
oh **** is that why you guys were farming below the gy last week. man i feel stupid now cause i was fighting back at times. not even sure if you were in that game i remember ohai minowman broshot and a few others going at it below our gy.

I don't think they need farmed at the GY. I go through one rotation w/ out shearing on Kow and he dies. Just let them play normal WSG and get owned, so that they know they shouldnt be here? Idk, just a thought.
Ohai said:
That whole time in vent i was like damn it homer stop fighting back I don't want to kill you too. I tried to tell horde in vent to tell you to just go on out but i dont think it worked.

at the time i couldnt beleive it was going on it all makes sense now. i wanna make an alliance and help you guys farm those noobs :)
I was in a game with kow and amy on d with me. Amy had been healing me in mid we both healed our D and we got the cap. I threw a hug for the midfield save when i had some shammys on me. I don't think this thing needs to be as blown up as it is.....
They both healed me tonight so as far as i am concerned this is over.
Kaorinite said:
Can you guys toss a legit FC and some healers @ Alliance? We will sell you some Hunters.

I have a finished alliance fc, i also have moral qualms about playing for a faction that consistently fields 2+hunters and farms mid when they have 3 or more, i also have issues playing for a team that thinks turtling out the last 15 minutes in a one one game is a good way to keep 29 games going.
it was fun last night~ :)

didnt feel so bad having ally hunters until i get tired and sleepy ><

amy did emote me /lol when i died and did not heal me as always~

igotoparties hunter was spamming emote so much

i miss out horde bg chat lines coz... it was all filled up with his emote spamming lines... :(

anyways horde should make few hunters? when ally hunters get all geared up...it will be nightmare lol
i hope you get things straitened out, being new to 29's and this starting the same week i started made me think everyone was 12years old. if the drama comes down i might actually finish my warrior and work on a fc set for it....:Alliance:
First of all, thank you all for putting all of this in writing. It makes it easier to show Blizzard of any harassment and defamation continuing off site. Secondly, thank you for also using your account names and specifying who you are plotting against. :)

You also are not doing yourselves any favors by re-creating and re-inventing events which may have led to your not receiving heals. Not to worry, though, as these incidents were not only logged to the Chatlog feature, but also recorded via Fraps.

It's safe to speculate that lying and perpetual harassment will lead to some remaining on the "do not heal list". Other players have caught on and have found that through restraining themselves, they magically receive heals.

No one is looking for their ass kissed or for you to like them, but to be treated civilly. For those who seem to get this now, ask them for further enlightenment on how being cordial leads to better teamwork. If you don't get this, you've made your beds and you can lay in them - or in this case, "lie" would be the more appropriate term.

As it was stated on the other forums, these two "terribad" healers made things clear from the beginning: Rude = no heals. Not rude = heals. It's that simple, but with 90% of you unable to grasp this idea suggests the only thing these two have underestimated is your deficient, dullnormal IQs. This is further evidenced by the enjoyable meeting in vent, along with posting the link to this forum in the Blizzard forums. For people who agreed to "ignore" these "trolls", I see them brought up in more conversations than not.

On behalf of these two, you're welcome for the obsessive conflict stemming from (documented) events you instigated. It seems that being called on your bullshit and suffering the consequences has resulted in quite an uproar, and the stories have less truth to them than lore.

By trying to create a "pack" mentality, you almost, for the first time, have a sense of community between delusional, egotistical douchebags who wouldn't otherwise have anything but negative criticism for each other. For this, you're also welcome. You've all become so desperate that you're attempting to resolve conflict with other people that you've openly degraded and mocked before - Willy, being one example. (Grats, Willy. You must feel flattered for the new-found warmth and befriendment from these people.)

If you are still confused, or simply enjoying emo victim mentality, let me again refer to paragraph 3, sentence 1 above. Note that this does not apply to each individual game, as these two have access to long-term memory. There is no "tabula rasa" for each new game.

The most amusing part of the interactions has been noting how, in spite of your own best interests, you've all been unable to restrain your emotions and/or mental instabilities long enough to benefit from civil interactions between your teammates. You are social masturbators - in the overall picture, you're f***ing yourselves.

On behalf of these two, See You Next Tuesday. ;)

Or whenever the next "secret" games are publically broadcasted.
Oknobpolisher said:
First of all, thank you all for putting all of this in writing. It makes it easier to show Blizzard of any harassment and defamation continuing off site. Secondly, thank you for also using your account names and specifying who you are plotting against. :)

You also are not doing yourselves any favors by re-creating and re-inventing events which may have led to your not receiving heals. Not to worry, though, as these incidents were not only logged to the Chatlog feature, but also recorded via Fraps.

It's safe to speculate that lying and perpetual harassment will lead to some remaining on the "do not heal list". Other players have caught on and have found that through restraining themselves, they magically receive heals.

No one is looking for their ass kissed or for you to like them, but to be treated civilly. For those who seem to get this now, ask them for further enlightenment on how being cordial leads to better teamwork. If you don't get this, you've made your beds and you can lay in them - or in this case, "lie" would be the more appropriate term.

As it was stated on the other forums, these two "terribad" healers made things clear from the beginning: Rude = no heals. Not rude = heals. It's that simple, but with 90% of you unable to grasp this idea suggests the only thing these two have underestimated is your deficient, dullnormal IQs. This is further evidenced by the enjoyable meeting in vent, along with posting the link to this forum in the Blizzard forums. For people who agreed to "ignore" these "trolls", I see them brought up in more conversations than not.

On behalf of these two, you're welcome for the obsessive conflict stemming from (documented) events you instigated. It seems that being called on your bullshit and suffering the consequences has resulted in quite an uproar, and the stories have less truth to them than lore.

By trying to create a "pack" mentality, you almost, for the first time, have a sense of community between delusional, egotistical douchebags who wouldn't otherwise have anything but negative criticism for each other. For this, you're also welcome. You've all become so desperate that you're attempting to resolve conflict with other people that you've openly degraded and mocked before - Willy, being one example. (Grats, Willy. You must feel flattered for the new-found warmth and befriendment from these people.)

If you are still confused, or simply enjoying emo victim mentality, let me again refer to paragraph 3, sentence 1 above. Note that this does not apply to each individual game, as these two have access to long-term memory. There is no "tabula rasa" for each new game.

The most amusing part of the interactions has been noting how, in spite of your own best interests, you've all been unable to restrain your emotions and/or mental instabilities long enough to benefit from civil interactions between your teammates. You are social masturbators - in the overall picture, you're f***ing yourselves.

On behalf of these two, See You Next Tuesday. ;)

Or whenever the next "secret" games are publically broadcasted.

Lol, this guy...
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