@US 29's - Behave

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Ohai said:
That whole time in vent i was like damn it homer stop fighting back I don't want to kill you too. I tried to tell horde in vent to tell you to just go on out but i dont think it worked.

We knew that you were doing this. Thanks for writing it. and LOl @ you having to use vent and MULTIPLE toons to farm us.
Draui said:
I don't think they need farmed at the GY. I go through one rotation w/ out shearing on Kow and he dies. Just let them play normal WSG and get owned, so that they know they shouldnt be here? Idk, just a thought.

What toon is this that you keep killing Kow with? Kow wasn't aware of it.
Homerpimpson said:
at the time i couldnt beleive it was going on it all makes sense now. i wanna make an alliance and help you guys farm those noobs :)

Homer. Your pack mentality is so attractive. Did you wear a bib when you wrote this? Please do come farm us. It should be obvious by now that it doesn't deter us.
Homernoheals said:
We are aware that you aren't used to it. But you were interacting with a girl.

Oh, now the post makes sense.

It is 29s, better yet a twink bracket, EVERYONE gets flamed. Instead of trying to get better, they completely took out any amount of skill to play in THIS bracket.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the WSG...
Donteventrii said:
Prominent community members are getting their posts reported because certain report-happy individuals with personal vendettas against said community members. I have sent several emails to Blizzard about this issue. Thus far, their response has been: "Be sure to report them back"

LOL. You're a "prominent community member". Your mood stabilizers aren't working.
Draui said:
Oh, now the post makes sense.

It is 29s, better yet a twink bracket, EVERYONE gets flamed. Instead of trying to get better, they completely took out any amount of skill to play in THIS bracket.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the WSG...

I would think that your activity and content of your posts here is evidence that you can't stand our heat.
Homernoheals said:
We knew that you were doing this. Thanks for writing it. and LOl @ you having to use vent and MULTIPLE toons to farm us.

Takes multiple toons to farm Amywineheals and I, Kowdashian of Ted Kennedy Auto Club from Cairne(US).

You guys are really sad. ;p
While I have little interest with how each of you conducts yourselves in game I do have a problem with you guys creating collateral damage on the forums, namely the premature closure of various threads on the battle net forums. This conflict that has been created seems to stem from a general lack of maturity. I do not have many details, but it is fairly plain to see.

Your collective behaviour (and I am sorry if this does not apply to specific individuals, but shrug it off if it doesn't) has not been acceptable on the forums. You have degraded the reputation of twinking in general and have damaged a communication platform for level 29 twinks who legitimated want to just enjoy the pvp. Shape yourselves up. Find yourselves some maturity, sort it out amicably and stop with all this.
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