Upcoming Level 70 Twink 3v3 Tournament

Lets start from the beginning, "Talking to these few is like slamming your head against a door noob." isn't positive feedback. Like i said I did not make the rules. The thread topic says Level 70, and last time i checked your not? So therefore i wouldn't need feedback from somebody that isn't participating. "If this rustled your jimmies so much, then why post it on a forum to begin with? If you didn't expect / want critique?", I posted it because i'm trying to get this out there to the 70 twinks that might be interested in playing in this.
I'm not interested in arguing with a muppet.

Upcoming Level 70 Twink 3v3 Tournament - Forums - World of Warcraft
Feel free to read from post #93*

Please remain being the mascot, you're merely embarrassing yourself at trying to insult me; and completely avoiding the points we made.

Please remain being the mascot, you're merely embarrassing yourself at trying to insult me; and completely avoiding the points we made.
Don't think i'm embarrassing myself since I've shut down every single one of your attempts to insult me. Please try being more of a hard ass, too many laughs I've had since your previous comments, Cheers. And immune has been sifting through the issues on the battle.net post. Now if you don't have anymore constructive comments to make I would like it if you stop trying so hard. ;)
Don't think i'm embarrassing myself since I've shut down every single one of your attempts to insult me.

More like not wanting to argue with you, because otherwise I'd be against the forum's code of conduct.

Please try being more of a hard ass

I forget, trying to use logic and reason on the internet against a majority full of easily offended people, is in itself, a touchy subject. In ultimatum, just left a skype call with this lad. He "Doesn't care for this event", so I'm done posting in this thread.
just got back from a few day break and heard about this today

gonna be talking to the current organizers, they're interested in working with me and chances are i'll be able to turn this tournament into something real
Feral has the best healing of all hybrids ^_^ 16-20k instant healing touches - and as you aren't allowing 70+ into the tournament i can't see instants being used on anything else :p Not to mention rejuv and cenarion ward.

As others have said, i think putting a limit on PvP Power is pretty silly, chances are you'll be forcing people to regem and regear cause of that.

Otherwise looks like the rules are pretty good, best of luck with your tourny ^^
Feral has the best healing of all hybrids ^_^ 16-20k instant healing touches - and as you aren't allowing 70+ into the tournament i can't see instants being used on anything else :p Not to mention rejuv and cenarion ward.

As others have said, i think putting a limit on PvP Power is pretty silly, chances are you'll be forcing people to regem and regear cause of that.

Otherwise looks like the rules are pretty good, best of luck with your tourny ^^

Agreed, i see big problems when a good feral shows up. people extremely underestimate them <3

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