Twisting Nether Alliance!

General heads up; Blizzard started free server transfers for TN Horde, which makes up 90% of the servers total population, since yesterday (guessing from the date they updated their thread).

It might take a couple of days for a good amount of people to transfer off but I'm hoping at least the queues in the evening stop, even if the population stays relatively high.
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Welcome to the TN Train Wagon ladies and gents:)
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i can recommend everyone to join the TN community! Lots of good players there! it was always a good match against the TN guys!
Hi guys, starded twinking today on TN alliance. I downloaded and instaled the f2p addon, is it ready to go or need any type of configuration?
its ready to go. if you logg on your toon, you'll join the chat. if not, type : /join f2ptwink and you're good to go!
Ty, and at 20 we play only against f2p or against p2p?

Btw my char is pandaren priest with the same nick as this acount :)
I don't usually hang out on TN that much nowadays but had a lot fun yesterday...





My personal favourite
That last pic is awesome hahaha but I personally love the "Ram army" one :p

BTW; Welcome to TN Pandrist <3
I used to play on AG like a year ago and I might get back into the f2p scene. I'll check TN out I guess.
hello is there anybody on Twisting Nether on horde side i'm starting an orc warrior

If you're looking for people to play with on Horde, then I'd say try out Aggramar. I believe they have a lot more Hordies. The majority of folks on Twisting Nether are Alliance.
Hey guys! Im Tdkdru currently rolling my Druid on Twisting Nether!

I'm excited for some F2P action! add me to friends ect!


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