Hopefully they fix Vets/Trials freedom. Level increase, limited days or make wow free 2 play where u wont have unlimited xpon anymore. Maybe you will know it then how we at higher brackets feel and how unfair it is that other brackets support it. And im positive that everyone of you will try to trick the systen by creating another accounts or doing other stuff. When this day comes, I will join your forums and shout out ure exploiter and there no understanding what ure doing. You and we at higher level brackets are twinks and we will always try to find a way to play our bracket. it doesnt matter what level. But this way how some of you 20s 29s 19s are acting is childish and unfair. Cuz ure the same ure a twink who sh**** on high level like we all do. If we try to trick or how ure calling it "exploit" the system, we trick to play our bracket and have fun in it. The real exploiter explorer are at your brackets (sorry that i have to say that) . At higher brackets theres nobody who thinks about such flagcarrier strat jumping on the roof and sh** like u do. We re playing normal bgs compared to u.
P.S with 19s,20s,29s I don't mean all are like that but a big majority is like that
Wow you're salty.