Is the hilarious absurdity of this position 'Any player who like to twink is free to gather people and to organise events / battles / whatever-you-want to keep alive his bracket' which is consistantly posited by F2P/Vets whose own bracket exists and gets frequently pops because it is fueled by the constant flow of levellers. Your community is so toxic and worthless that you cant even manage to organise singular wargames every couple of months let alone grow a solid competitive scene with regular wargames. Also this idea that levellers in this bracket are the source of reports etc motivated by op 29 queue buggers is hilariously unlikely, you dont think for a second your continuous flow of enchated vets playing god tier classes and premading random queues might be a source of contention? Do you think a leveller can tell the difference between a Vet Warrrior/Shammy/Hunter/Pally/Mage and a 29? All they see is 'twink' in the rare moments they have between gy waits and 99/100 a F2P put them in the gy
Speaking of premades, none of you seem to have a problem manipulating game mechanics to achieve unintended outcomes when it actually suits you like using higher level players to form groups so you can premade and super common trade windows glitches enchants and all the other shit you do. Also all this bullshit hyperbole about 29s and i guess every other type of twink being 'cheaters' , not once have I seen it mentioned that all these twinks are trying to do is participate in games they have been participating in since mid 2016. The way you portray the scenario makes it seem like all these players just popped up out of nowhere with the specific purpose of fucking your day. BTW the F2P community are so self absorbed that they literally think that the reason any 29 twink exists is to fuck with them or get some edge over them, I hate to break it to you but we dont talk about or consider you much at all, yet youre fkn obsessed with us and have been for years. Its your choice to not sub and F2P and the frequent suggestion 29s should buy a 2nd account (because suprisingly subbed accounts do shit outside this bracket and cant F2P) to roll Vet just to suit them further highlights how unhealthily self absorbed your communiuty is...Almost every godamn twink bracket in history save a few ends in a '9' and its you that choose the be the odd ones out, so deal with it.
Stop virtue signalling and pretending like your actions and motivations are any different to every other bracket. You exist soley because of a favorable outcome which qaueue split patch and the F2P cap allowing you to queue with xpon when by all measures your l;tierally xpoff. No other twink players have this luxury yet youre so fkn trigggered by the occasional 29 in one of your games that youre willing to gladly fuck over anyone wanting a game in any other twink bracket. Shame on you