You bought
@Asterias you and drop kicking somoene.. Yeah.. Maybe a chalk of butter buddy.
You did buy boosts, everyone knows just stop denying. No one gets 2.4k within a day from 1550 with not even keybinding half their spells/being total shit at even kicking a healer. Please come 3v3 me and we'll see ''I'm a RBG player'' that's a shit excuse because RBG isn't that hard at your mind level.
Now, you come 3v3 me right ducking now and we'll see who's shit at this game - Pushing 2.4k + With my team this season.
Point B;
I did not enjoy Endgame MOP - WOD. I went 2.4k on a WOTLK server in 2013, and 2.3k on a fire mage on a blizzlike cata AT server, which is down since a while ago, you though, you ducking go 2.4k within the span of 24 hours, which is impossible because there's R1 people who tried this and failed. You were a 1550 player, and you can't kick a healer. And you don't even use anything near FT macros, or A1-5 macros.
You are miserable to buy everything you need in your pathetic life, you my sir don't live, you won't experience the things you HAVE to do in order to live, you will be rich sure. But who cares, you're still useless to any society or and ducking country as you're a simple 14 year old with money spending issues.
My tip to you is get a ducking job and try to see how living works, maybe get off that lazy ducking ass and find somoene that will like you. (Not the people you pay to like you) And we all know when you order a hoe you're too scared to put it in and you wet your pants.
Now point C:
Please try and find me, i will gladly beat you up <3 love you huncakes xxxxx, im waiting <3 Netherlands baby you know where i live.