Twink News Thread

Anyone can add me, I'm friendly. I have a full list though so if you add me and I don't respond, it may be that. Send me a pm on here if I don't respond.

Twitter handle: Tollo92 (I quit using Twitter since I quit the pve scene but that is mine..)

Also my strum: I don't stream as much as I used to but when I did, it was end game (CMs and raiding mostly. We were the cm group that carried Bajheera and Jen. Was also front page us cm score for warlocks, US 17).
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Made two 19 twinks a long time ago. Just started playing again pretty recently.

Battletag - Dreadmist#1987

Twink names - Flowingwater, Sul, Madcuddler, Freecuddler (more to come?)
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Everyone feel free to add me to RealID. It is on the list.
Do not confuse my ingame personality with my TI one. :)


Beware: EU swine ;)

Edit: This is my US btag
Thread updated with new names from the project

Also added new LFG section for the 2015 Twinkcup!
Hello, so at first I thought I was not going to be home when the cup is but it turns out that I will be home so therefore im just posting a team applicaiton here if anyone is interested pm me.

Twink Armory: Partygírlx @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

Class: Mistweaver Monk

Years Played: 6

Brackets Played: 19, 29, 70

PvP Experience: 2k cr in mop as disc priest in endgame lots of games played at a higher mmr. 2.2k+ as rogue on AT wotlk, 2.2k cr on disc priest at 70 (played a bunch with a high rated friend so around 2.4k mmrish, disc/ele)

Are you willing to Move to a Different Server, Re-roll, or Faction change? If so, what do you have in mind? I can roll any server/faction. My knowledge about the game and classes after this amount of time allows me to play any of them at a certainly high level so that wont be a problem either.

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