Twink Info Guild EU!

hey flag, port here... how's it going for ya? i'm very happy about that you're working on this project, the horde side is rly in need of some reinforcements in this battlegroup... maybe we can play some arena matches some day? Twink Info vs The One Man, would be cool ^^
Port :D

I'd RR to your guild but just finished twinking up my 19 warrior and would like to play on him for awhile and see how it goes :) good luck with the guild.

We just allied with the french guild: Syndrome Atlante, located on the French-speaking realm "Les Sentinelles".

This means we finally found a worthy opponent for us to fight in WSG or Arena!

Well that's about it...(lol)

Hi !!

I'm Ivirox, 19 Shaman on FR Realm "Throk'Feroth".

I'm the GM of <GénésiS>, a french 19 twink guild.

I was really happy when I saw "Flagadin <Twink Info Europe>" in arena :

Finally good players for 2v2,3v3 and 5v5 !!!

In fact, our guild is headed to the arena.

So if you're free, would be fun to do some GvG arena match.

See your later in game, and sorry for my basic English, I used google translation ^ ^

[Ivirox/Izirox/Fòk/Iviros/Bétasse], <GénésiS>, Throk'Feroth EU
Ivi said:
Hi !!

I'm Ivirox, 19 Shaman on FR Realm "Throk'Feroth".

I'm the GM of <GénésiS>, a french 19 twink guild.

I was really happy when I saw "Flagadin <Twink Info Europe>" in arena :

Finally good players for 2v2,3v3 and 5v5 !!!

In fact, our guild is headed to the arena.

So if you're free, would be fun to do some GvG arena match.

See your later in game, and sorry for my basic English, I used google translation ^ ^

[Ivirox/Izirox/Fòk/Iviros/Bétasse], <GénésiS>, Throk'Feroth EU

Gz on 1337 hp on ur shaman : P
What times are you guys normally playing arena?

Queueing mostly at 23.00 + seeing that's when my mains'

raid end, but guess most of you play at other times?

Btw 'sup with playing 2v1 in Skirmish? Not so hard

to just /sit and watch a fair game if you see that you are vs

1 player right? =P.

Sry, that was ment for some of the people I countered yesterday heh.

Ah well need to find a stable arena mate,

Playing a old Ally Shaman twink on Rampage btw, called Psychiatrist.

Sometimes (rarely) on my old Paladin called Lasagna, but anyways, hi all =)
I think that asshole raping you in 2v1 was me lol.

sorry about that but i was annoyed.

Anyways, we're queueing on occassion.

However, you'll most likely find us playing from 7-11 AM, ( @ GMT+1 )

Cya in the arena!


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