Twink Info Guild EU!

Regarding Twink Info guild - If the guild is serius with premades, players that actualy know how to play and know 100% all about their class i am willing to transfer my Shaman with all hierlooms i own to Bloodfeather EU. Please report on progress in guild and give some premade screenshots.

B/R Vendigo
Haha, proud to share with u the first fishing gear's been caught by Bluebull, now an lvl 18 shaman:p

Most of the new ones are between 15-19 now and can't wait to start playing. Ill post some sceenie's here this week.


Probaly i'll make a twink as well (Now I reactivated WoW)

Even it quiet sucks to start with empty hands :p
You're more then welcome agi! Grinding my behind off atm to fund all the enchants and gear. So there's a place for you too. I'd rather have you on my side then on the alliance side.

And btw Noo, regarding to your newly found hobby:

It was how it was, because we weren't there:p

You made your point, you don't want to join. I got it the first 17 times as well, haha.

Would still like to have you, if even it was a lvl 1, just for consults and questions:p

For general information:

We are not doing premades yet, nor do we play any PvP aspects.

Since everyone created a new char and noone xfered so far, it's taking a lil more time to get everyone ready.

As soon as we get active on the BG, i'll post screenshots of the entire team and try frapping some movies.

Atm we are over 30 members, with ofc more/less dedicated players. Some of em are ready to be enchanted entirely before entering their first bg on the new toon.

Probably will Bluebull be the 1st to be ready to go WSG, i'll post some screenie's here later. Remember, the toon was created in 1 week.
Some screenies ? Sponsered by Lil :D

The begin

after 2-3 hours Ustarte left.


I luf u guys :D

And ofc all of u who joined the group ;DDDD
Thought i'd introduce myself. Joined up yesterday and was playing Ustarte and Zhusai. Met some cool guys.

Been twinking a while now, mainly Alliance but couldnt resist trying Horde when I saw the Twink info guild.

My main twink on here will be:


Now to finish getting that damn pouch. Looking forward to some bg's soon :)
Gz to all who have gotten the pouch, was secretly online, grinding mats for enchants as always:D

I'm happy to see everyone getting along, tbh it's already a nice group^^

Ofc we are not as big as US, but i'd rather go for quality, not quantity:p (LoL)

Gonna throw in some of the highly desired +4 stats on chest today.

Regarding to the enchanting materials: Can't get hold of enough illusion dust it seems. It evaporates within my hands, so: Get all you can lay your hands on!



egmoller said:
Flagadin, just right now, we're a group of 6 ppl grinding Furbolg rep ;)

And btw about Bluebull will be the first, U should also take a look at Æthie, gearin up pretty fast too, she's in the rep farming too atm ;)

<3 you guys, ultimate dedication!
What sort of class do you need? Im thinking of making a char on my own server and than transfering over, As I have no money on the server.
Looking forward to support the guild in any way i can.

Greetings Safari ^^

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