Twink Info Guild EU!

This could be interesting. Do you support us with everything (enchants, gear etc?)

Also, what class do you want me to make? I'm not quite sure what to pick :p
Xposure said:
This could be interesting. Do you support us with everything (enchants, gear etc?)

Also, what class do you want me to make? I'm not quite sure what to pick :p

i guess the boosting won't be the biggest problem :) however, do you really think he can support all the twinks that will come? don't think so, but when it comes to instance gear, and quest/ rep. items i guess you will get help for that, best way to earn some gold is to use AH and create a DK with farming proffesions :)
Well, i can say i can craft some stuff:

I can make all the common items in Leatherworking (Toughened Leather Armor),

Tailoring (boots, cloak, shoulders), Jewelcrafting (neck, rings), Enchanting (+15 agi 1h, 25 agi 2h, sp bracers, all common low lvl enchants. For the rest i got my adresses), engineering ( voice amplification modulator!!), Inscription (almost all minors)

For the rest i grinded some higher instances, so i stacked up on enchanting mats.

Ofcourse boosting is no problem. We've got a few guys ready all the time.

And: The bank is stacked with prof mats, enchanting mats and 19 rare boe gear.

So prepped and ready to go. Come and find out!
u have to be in europe..that's what i said earlier..

(at least have a european version of the game)
Druid :D

Hey flagadin,

Seeing as you'll be looking @ premades etc etc,

I will take the one for th team and make a FC druid :D , I have exp playing fc druid, and will enjoy it i reckon around all likeminded other hardcore twinks.

I'm really wanting to get back into the swing of things @ 19.

Chuck you a whisper tonight and we'll have a lil chat??

If not add me on msn :

or contact me on Chamber of aspects / Player :- Phílbey (after 10:30pm)

Cheers mate :)

Hey , I'm pritty sick of my own Bg which so happens to be Cyclone which everyone makes out to be so great =p Not on my 29 twinks atleast , Being the only twink in the you decide to play is pritty annoying but hey its great to have non twinks back around.

I've pritty much quit twinking since there seems to be no activity (guilds) so hopefully i'll come on over and see whats going on.

Note: I'll make a 19 =p
Decieved said:
Hey flagadin,

Seeing as you'll be looking @ premades etc etc,

I will take the one for th team and make a FC druid :D , I have exp playing fc druid, and will enjoy it i reckon around all likeminded other hardcore twinks.

I'm really wanting to get back into the swing of things @ 19.

Chuck you a whisper tonight and we'll have a lil chat??

If not add me on msn :

or contact me on Chamber of aspects / Player :- Phílbey (after 10:30pm)

Cheers mate :)


Hey there - would you mind changing your signature since it says your a memeber of Made you look. Because if you where online you would notice that you didt make the trail - and therefore not a member of MYL. Your lvling kinda stood still after your so called "Nephew" stopped playing - and your never came online..

Thanks! :)

chargebye said:
Hey , I'm pritty sick of my own Bg which so happens to be Cyclone which everyone makes out to be so great =p Not on my 29 twinks atleast , Being the only twink in the you decide to play is pritty annoying but hey its great to have non twinks back around.

I've pritty much quit twinking since there seems to be no activity (guilds) so hopefully i'll come on over and see whats going on.

Note: I'll make a 19 =p

I think everybody is doing only 19? Or am i wrong?
About time I had some competition playing against me. Xposure you're staying on Nept I can't go playing by myself now can I ? Looking forward to seeing you all. I'll see what I can do about getting some sort of group together to get premades on alliance side and hopefully we can get a few good games going.
It's already exceeding my expectations, every 15 minutes i get wispered by a new twinktoon. I can proudly tell u all that the first ones already started running instances and are 10-ish.

The following sentence i will say only once. It's too ridiculous for words,but:


(so come and create one..)

And Drayner, this must hurt but, we lack locks as well.

For now, it looks like about 20 members, so 10v10, here we come!

Most of u posters i spoke to on the realm already, lvling as we speak:D

I hope it will be a success..

And Noo: Awesome, we could use some very experienced players, because I don't have all the answers..

I'll keep everyone updated, gonna grind us some enchanting mats now....


Heya im interrested in joinin, im a fully geared pally with all possibly dets, 2 agms yes you name. I can come around the server withen 2days if you like. Ive been gm for the guild named lmfaoallygotownedagain for some months ago. Name is nuhuh on thunderhorn eu, leave all the questions you might have here. And reason i may make spellins right now im writin from ma ipod lol. Anyway lookin forward to hear from you and if noo ma homeboy is goin then i am too q:
Flagadin said:
And Noo: Awesome, we could use some very experienced players, because I don't have all the answers..

I wouldn't say I have all the answers. But I'll point people in the right direction. Just abit of basic background about myself, as I like you to know abit about me, before I xfer on payday :)

I've been twinking a year or so now, started off with a rogue, which started off on Darksorrow, I got told I was pretty good, even without a Shadowfang and all the other pro gear. I then xfered with Aygat to Ravencrest, fortunately I didn't do too much for Aygat, a premade or two, and 3v3s with a few guys. When the profs got the 450 buffs, I xfered home again, got my profs, and move to Syvlanas and joined Ordo Dislummanti; best Horde guild I had ever been on. Moe, Exavion, Phenom...all fun people. Did some crazy 5v5 arenas against prAyer. Not long after that, the guild died, I rerolled on prAyers realm, but never finished my toon, due to being hacked, maaah :<

Played around with a mage afterwards, loved bored, so literally no lifing this mage atm! :D

I'm 20 irl, work in retail, and pretty much a geek (thats what people say :\)

Nuhuh said:
Ive been gm for the guild named lmfaoallygotownedagain for some months ago. Name is nuhuh on thunderhorn eu, leave all the questions you might have here. And reason i may make spellins right now im writin from ma ipod lol. Anyway lookin forward to hear from you and if noo ma homeboy is goin then i am too q:

Great guild from what I've heard, and a nice guy, sold me naxx sp/crit for 2k; back in the day. See you there Nuhuh!

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