Trial Twinking, R.I.P.

Too much philosophy and fat-camp-feelings. I started played trial twinks back in Cata cause it was free, it was fun, and BGs were fast. I always thought of the various 25s (and 29s) as undertuned (read very hard) boss fights. I usually lost, when I won, it was glorious. Either way, nothing of actual value was lost.

Are BGs still 20-30 min queues? Cause that has a much bigger influence on my playing than all the other changes since cata combined.
Bop said:
The TL;DR of the conversation yesterday, which I do not think was off-topic, was that paying for any advantage you use in battlegrounds or arenas makes you no different than P2Ws.

Except that you're not 'paying for an advantage.' You're paying for the full game (because that's what you're supposed to do if you like it) and by doing so, gaining access to the full game the way it was designed and intended to be accessed. If one who pays for the full game has an advantage over those who don't, that's because those who don't pay for the game made a conscious choice to treat said payment as something that makes one an asshole.

It boggles my mind how we spent 7 years paying for the game an no one took issue with it, but then Blizzard removes time limits on trial accounts and all of a sudden only immoral, heartless bastards pay for the game.

Bop said:
Some people won't be able to transition to Veteran for whatever reason, and they will be at a disadvantage against Veterans just as they are at a disadvantage against P2W's.

That is an indisputable fact.

No amount of comparing the $ value of a monthly subscription to the cost of a one-time payment will change that. For some, the cost of $5 is just as inaccessible as $1,000,000. Maybe they're too young to use a credit card, maybe they abhor the idea of paying money to a conglomerated company, or maybe they just don't have the money.

This is all irrelevant. Guess what happens if level 20s get fed up and stop playing? Other brackets make a come back. People get to enjoy diversity again. I'm really not sure where this attitude of entitlement comes from.
Excluding 29 Brewmasters :p, I don't feel comfortable believing that someone's way of enjoying WoW is wrong. You all have reasons and ways of enjoying the game and I hope you continue to enjoy the game. If balance or imbalance is important to you, then I hope you enjoy the fruits of your chosen philosophy. If some-money vs no-money vs lots-of-money is the axis your gaming concern or enjoyment lies upon, I hope you derive satisfaction and enjoyment from whichever opinion you hold. I can't and would not wish to tell any of you that you are wrong. Enjoy WoW as you will, think of WoW how you like.

I Think Naq has probably identified the most important factor for me and a few people I've talked to about going to vet 19s. Because love or hate our 20-29 bracket, I'd love our old queue times back. I'd rather logon and play than logon and wait. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but today (like so many days) I logged on and 45min later still didn't have a pop. That happens at least a third of my logons these days. Whichever kind of WoW I enjoy, I would prefer playing it to nearly not playing it at all, which is what these queue times have brought me up against.

Does anyone know what the current queue times are like in 19s? I would imagine that over time, if the 19s queue times are lower (and I'm not sure that they are, but I've heard rumors), it's conceivable that we might see a shift to more people playing there. It would be difficult to resist.
I thought they just fixed the queue bug, or at least 19s are popping again. Also, they are talking about making it so xp off can queue wargames, which will be a big deal.
I thought they just fixed the queue bug, or at least 19s are popping again. Also, they are talking about making it so xp off can queue wargames, which will be a big deal.
On EU queue times vary between 2 and 50 mins. With ~15 in evenings. But lotta AV popping now which is something.
Too much philosophy and fat-camp-feelings. I started played trial twinks back in Cata cause it was free, it was fun, and BGs were fast. I always thought of the various 25s (and 29s) as undertuned (read very hard) boss fights. I usually lost, when I won, it was glorious. Either way, nothing of actual value was lost.

Are BGs still 20-30 min queues? Cause that has a much bigger influence on my playing than all the other changes since cata combined.

no, in EU its 10-15min max at normal hours.
Is Skyrim free to play? What about Diablo 3? Once you pay for a game, it's a sunk cost. Just because you're not actively paying a subscription doesn't mean it's "free". It's the difference between a sunk cost and a fixed cost but both are still costs. Economics 101, bitches!

Man, they are children... won't understand it. I laughed.

Veteran account is the pay to win version of the starter edition account.

I think it is ridiculous pay for this game for play at low lvl pvp because you play in the same bgs and arenas of a lvl 100. Why not play on lvl 100 and try to be at a high position on the rank? There is others mmorpgs at low lvl with exclusive bgs or arenas for them. If you level up you can't go to these bgs anymore. Bracket is a invention of Blizzard. Sorry for my bad english. But that's it.
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Easy solution: move on and play 19 (if possible) or 20 veteran and be happy that games finally get more competitive.
Reason to stay pure f2p can only be nostalgia after 6.1.
In the end, most of the f2ps want to pvp and have good games. With 6.1 you will be able to reduce the gap between you and a 29 p2p. Everyone should be happy about that.

Lmao, yeah .. Let us F2P be as happy as can be with pricks premade BMs and Ferals xD Whoo! I'm having a blast!!
Can you say RIP when it's actually dead and not when you think it will be?
For example in the past:

RIP F2P because p2p 24s in 5.4
RIP F2P because p2p 29s in 6.0
RIP F2P because any other stupid reason


I don't see how it's RIP when next patch rerolling, leveling and gearing a new f2p will be easier than ever :p

Hopefully, right? We'll find out tomorrow if they've restricted trials from the loom tab. I've got a dentist appointment in the morning so I'll be loaded up by the time my client gets done patching, if everything goes well! Also, curious to see if my linked trials can join guilds im in on my paid toons.

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