Transmog Rating Thread (Any Level)

A little bit of an over-the-top one (at least for my taste) but goodness did Legion gave us some sick transmogs.

This one's my Dwarf Shaman, I like him. He smells but he's nice.

RP-wise I rarely go with this set and go for a more casual one that fits with my archaeologist theme.

This set is basically the Tornheïm questing set minus the helmet which is from Legion dungeons (Drops from Odyn if memory serves) with the Legion Artifact weapon (this appearance isn't available to pure trials if I'm not mistaken but either standard Doomhammer,, or WotLK questing maces (the ones with spikes) look quite good. The cape is one of the 20th anniversary event but tbh it's not needed.

Walkin' around.jpg
Stormstrike feels good.jpg
The sun is warm up there.jpg

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