Transmog Rating Thread (Any Level)

A few more, cause... apparently I'd rather do this than actually play atm.


Maha Meditate.PNG
Maha Climb.PNG
Maha Victory.PNG
Maha Vic.PNG

Maha strut.PNG
Maha Bat.PNG


Nomad Sunset.PNG
Nomad hunt2.PNG
nomad hunt3.PNG
NOmad hunt1.PNG
Nomad Midnight.PNG
Something I've noticed lately is that people are putting less effort into status/bragging transmogs. Like TCG stuff, Old Naxx sets from BMAH, GF'd gladiator illusions, etc. People are more-so focused on themed transmogs that make them look like they fit into the world as some kind of faction or theme.

While I simply just like the looks of a lot of that old stuff, I am very selective of what is and isn't tryhard for attention for the sake of attention/jealousy. If something is OG, it still needs to pass what I consider unique enough compared to other mogs available to be worth using.

Since the release of classic WoW, OG status on retail just kinda screams desperate for attention. Wow you have expensive TCG tabards, Naxx gear, GFd stuff, etc? Seems you must put classic wow on a pedestal. Why tf are you on retail then?

At a certain point some people are just showing off how fucking old and bitter they MIGHT be lol.

Also Twitch drops and Trading Post have devalued a lot of inflated costs and legitimacy of older things. And that is a bummer to an extent, but I'm in the mindset that FOMO ruins games and any game you pay for should have EVERYTHING that has once been included in the game to remain included. It's also only a matter of time Magic Rooster Egg and Spectral Tiger appear on Trading Post and all hell breaks loose from people who dropped 5 grand on them instead of paying off their car.

The elitist OG mogs are slowly becoming a fading thing and I don't think it's primarily due to players leaving. In fact I meet lots of old players that use mogs they personally like while all the OG stuff is just sitting in their collection (mostly unused).

I personally will always enjoy most of the TCG tabards though, despite status, simply because they all incorporate well into different elements, color options, etc. They have enough of a balanced design with a secondary/tertiary color that most tabards fail to have (unless it's some cool seasonal/limited gladiator tabard).
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wait until you see that guy dropping two months worth of salary on an rf title
Orcgasmatron's style reminds me so much of what I love about Warcraft as a whole. Very nostalgic and just a reminder of how units look like back in WC3 days. I also do that same style to my characters as well, not original or groundbreaking but it's my favorite kind.
Orcgasmatron's style reminds me so much of what I love about Warcraft as a whole. Very nostalgic and just a reminder of how units look like back in WC3 days. I also do that same style to my characters as well, not original or groundbreaking but it's my favorite kind.
TBH, I was thinking of starting another thread, cause these aren't an xMog showcase. They're an Azeroth Photograph Tour, telling a story through images.

So, Thanks to @Robo & @Magrain
Saw a few threads like this but they were for 10s/20s only, or super old. Post your mogs here!

View attachment 25017

Apparantly this Axe is datamined for a potential December Trading Post item, so I'm snagging it instantly if it makes it to the game
View attachment 25018

Also hoping the get this cloak at some point.
View attachment 25019

Not that anyone was asking but I do have the Blizzard Ring from the event, this ring is a toy?
This one is my Dwarf, Skandör, I mostly use him for RP.
I've tried toying around with the Narcissius addon but it's shaky work at best (especially for the light, still haven't figured that out). At least I managed to get a few "emotes" we can't really use in-game.



I've got a bunch more transmogs for this fella but that'll be all for me now ^^

Apologies for the shitty angles and not being able to remove action bars, but here's my Shaman which I started a year ago.
The mask reminds me of the old Wyvern Riders from WC3.
HAHhAHha! THat is crazy-looking! in the best kinda way!

I've seen your toon around SW a couple of times over the last few weeks, & considering that I deliberately rolled on a desolate backwater RP server ( Maelstrom )
I found that interesting & fortunate. Always nice to see other twinks out in the world, especially ones dripping like yours!
Thank you. I deliberately rolled on one too.
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