EU+US Total new f2p account, where to start? :)


Hello everyone! :)
So i just started my first pure f2p account and I want to know if someone would tell me where to start and what to do. Also what classes are good for pvp (for now I started with a BM hunter) and last a good realm I could join? :)
Hello everyone! :)
So i just started my first pure f2p account and I want to know if someone would tell me where to start and what to do. Also what classes are good for pvp (for now I started with a BM hunter) and last a good realm I could join? :)
Ahem. Hunter's are the best class they have a low skill floor but depending on the race you can still pull some decent tricks and if you learn how to kite properly they are one of the most rewarding classes to play. Screenshot of me joining an AV with 200 Reinforcements left. But for a start in PvP get atleast all slots filled and during ques you can farm appearances. (Wich is what i do) or fish for the turtle mount. For PvE i would start with getting everything out of every proffesion you have for example armor kits out of LW, Enchants out of enchanting, scope out of engineering and end with herbing/alchemy as you main proffesions that you want to keep. Reasons being that the potions you get there are great regardless of class.


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Ahem. Hunter's are the best class they have a low skill floor but depending on the race you can still pull some decent tricks and if you learn how to kite properly they are one of the most rewarding classes to play. Screenshot of me joining an AV with 200 Reinforcements left. But for a start in PvP get atleast all slots filled and during ques you can farm appearances. (Wich is what i do) or fish for the turtle mount. For PvE i would start with getting everything out of every proffesion you have for example armor kits out of LW, Enchants out of enchanting, scope out of engineering and end with herbing/alchemy as you main proffesions that you want to keep. Reasons being that the potions you get there are great regardless of class.

Thanks for the reply! For race I chose NE is that good? Also does LW armor kits, enchanting ect. work in bgs and should I get the invasion gear (if I'm available to join the invasion, i don't know)
Aerie Peak, Eldre'Thalas and Bleeding Hollow are all good choices. Vashj and Blackwing Lair are potential good places to look.

Theses servers have a large base of low level players and generally can help you out or answer any questions you might have :D
I run a guild for 20s on Bleeding Hollow and would love to get down and dirty but word of warning, you might not find Bleeding Hollow to be to your taste. Most of the snobs and elitists call Bleeding Hollow home however the crew I roll with is all about laughing off the players that get too serious.

Aerie Peak is probably the best place to go. I think it has the most active free to play population out there and is home to lots of friendly twinks.

Eldre'Thalas is somewhat of a dark horse for me. Never saw too much come out of there until I started playing with a new crew of guys recently. Theyre pretty wicked cool and excellent to pvp with.

Class wise if you already have hunter covered I would make a disc priest or a resto shaman. Both are fairly simple in their mechanics and have powerful healing potential.
Aerie Peak, Eldre'Thalas and Bleeding Hollow are all good choices. Vashj and Blackwing Lair are potential good places to look.

Theses servers have a large base of low level players and generally can help you out or answer any questions you might have :D
I run a guild for 20s on Bleeding Hollow and would love to get down and dirty but word of warning, you might not find Bleeding Hollow to be to your taste. Most of the snobs and elitists call Bleeding Hollow home however the crew I roll with is all about laughing off the players that get too serious.

Aerie Peak is probably the best place to go. I think it has the most active free to play population out there and is home to lots of friendly twinks.

Eldre'Thalas is somewhat of a dark horse for me. Never saw too much come out of there until I started playing with a new crew of guys recently. Theyre pretty wicked cool and excellent to pvp with.

Class wise if you already have hunter covered I would make a disc priest or a resto shaman. Both are fairly simple in their mechanics and have powerful healing potential.

Here to confirm that Vashj is no longer strong. Vashj is very dead.
It depends on what you want. To farm bg's achievemets, stealth classes are the best, currently rogue is the best stealth class imo, do a Nelf rogue(best race for it).
Thanks for the reply! For race I chose NE is that good? Also does LW armor kits, enchanting ect. work in bgs and should I get the invasion gear (if I'm available to join the invasion, i don't know)
LW patches, enchants etc don't work in bg's, however they do work for PvE and world PvP. Your call if you want them but I prefer to still make all the chants / patches on my F2P toons to make them that little bit tougher.
And as already mentioned in one of the reply's, definitely go farm those invasion items. Main reason so you can make a PvP set (only use inside a bg or else you won't be able to repair them) and also you can sell some double up pieces for quick gold.
And you choose a NE BM Hunter.......... nice choice bro ;)
Thanks for the reply! For race I chose NE is that good? Also does LW armor kits, enchanting ect. work in bgs and should I get the invasion gear (if I'm available to join the invasion, i don't know)
Nelfs can pull some outplays with shadowmeld (Like interupt polymorphs) Enchants dont work in pvp but do in pve And invasion gear the only things i advise to get is a belt and bracers and maybe gloves if you preffer stamina over agility. The belt is an absolute must though as i haven't seen a mail belt drop in LFG satchels yet.
Ahem. Hunter's are the best class they have a low skill floor but depending on the race you can still pull some decent tricks and if you learn how to kite properly they are one of the most rewarding classes to play. Screenshot of me joining an AV with 200 Reinforcements left. But for a start in PvP get atleast all slots filled and during ques you can farm appearances. (Wich is what i do) or fish for the turtle mount. For PvE i would start with getting everything out of every proffesion you have for example armor kits out of LW, Enchants out of enchanting, scope out of engineering and end with herbing/alchemy as you main proffesions that you want to keep. Reasons being that the potions you get there are great regardless of class.

Zenjie I feel very privileged being on your KOS list and targeted even when the BG is over ;)

On topic - it takes like 45min max to get to lvl 10 then go afk in legion invasion zones and after 3 invasions you'll be lvl 20.
So you can roll a char on couple of servers and see which one suits you best.
I can recommend Aggramar EU or Aerie Peak US for the Horde side, both of the servers have the biggest population and I'm quite certain you'll be able to find someone to help you when you need some help/info.
Never played Alliance so can't help you there.
Zenjie I feel very privileged being on your KOS list and targeted even when the BG is over ;)

On topic - it takes like 45min max to get to lvl 10 then go afk in legion invasion zones and after 3 invasions you'll be lvl 20.
So you can roll a char on couple of servers and see which one suits you best.
I can recommend Aggramar EU or Aerie Peak US for the Horde side, both of the servers have the biggest population and I'm quite certain you'll be able to find someone to help you when you need some help/info.
Never played Alliance so can't help you there.
Owh shit you were the undead priest? Didnt even know but im probably going to go back to horde.

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