EU+US Top tink Series 2015: Warrior

Top Warrior?

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Alpha and Omega
I feel like we got some good momentum on mage. With the return of public polls, people were forced to sometimes voice their opinions. It's a good thing, because private polls were perhaps a bit too nice for my (and others') liking. They weren't giving a good return on investment. Let's face it, warrior is a mongo class. All of these candidates mongo through mid, but it's up to you to choose who is the most apt mongol(?).

Perhaps the pinnacle of the GG Nineteen Project, Bigbodybugat got an early start before arms warriors fully acquired their present scumbag status. He consistently plays gulches, chopping his way through mid with a couple of healers pocketing from behind. Word is also that Bigbodybugat has secured a spot as the A-Team warrior in Waka Flocka Seagulls. Already being the apex of GG Nineteen, Bigbody now seeks to reach the apex of the twinking world.

Sometimes people can do poorly on well poll and well on the next. That should be Lukenukem's goal, because he just bombed horribly on mage. That said, mage is a class he isn't well-known for. He is now fighting on his home turf, because warrior is the class on which he has earned twinking glory. Skillful and quick on scrolls (he returned a flag in SR vs GSC as a spectator), it is now Luke's chance to gain some official recognition in addition to the reputation he already carries.

The first of several EU entries, Nature has proven himself to be a beast on his warrior alt. My sources tell me that he has broken 300k in a WSG before on it, and that's enough to gain an inclusion in the Top Twink Series 2015: Warrior poll. I've said it before, but being really good at one class at 19 usually translates to other classes, and Nature has proven this once again. Good luck to him, as the field is crowded.

This guy has been on TwinkInfo and in the community for years, but my sources don't know anything about him. One said he may be transexual, and another said he is like the Ko of MiS but with better gear. If Nzxerr wants to post, or someone wants to post about him, please tell me more, because he must be a good warrior and good member of the community.

For a long time, Ko was known as a rogue. When hunters became the cool thing to play in MoP, he rerolled on that class and gained some glory in the 2014 Twink Cup. All along, he also dedicated some time to prot warrior FC, but we all know prot warriors never had any pizzazz. With the arms buff in WoD, he now plays arms fulltime, pounding on unfortunate victims in the gulch. He's also well-known for having very amazing scroll clicks.

Most of these polls have been given an oldschool (Arthas) choice, and Papapopper gets that role in the warrior poll. I don't know him so well, but I like what I've seen from him on TwinkInfo. The site has really been lacking in meaningful drama for awhile now, and Papa isn't afraid to tell his opinions about anything. He also gets some points for his impressive arms warrior play in the gulch, showing skill and awareness of objectives.

I like this guy's name. Maybe it means he is the god of procing crusader. Grinding his way through mid in the gulch, that is actually sometimes the case. This guy's probably a 70s immigrant, and is supposedly the A-Team warrior of JCM, and for their sake, they better hope he gets the procs. As for skill and awareness, Procgodx has been seen doing a good job in WSG, working intelligently with his teammates to establish dominance over midfield.

Maybe the frontrunner of the warrior poll, Randylayhee has built up a solid reputation over the years. First playing in the Cyclone battlegroup way back when, he joined Train Cow in Cata and has played actively ever since. He's a warrior, but given how slippery he can be in the gulch, playing against Randy can often feel like playing against an axe-wielding and crusader-stacking hunter.

On TwinkInfo, Slacknul has earned a solid reputation for being a mature and logical poster. A recent refugee from EU, he now has a warrior on the NA client, and has supposedly already played both horde and alliance. Word has it that he is in the GSC guild on EU, and has a variety of experience in both 19s and 29s. Like some other EU entries, I really am not so familiar with Slacknul, so if someone wants to chip in that'd be great.

Sometimes a twink goes through a rehabilitation. Maybe it's like when a car goes into the garage and the mechanics work on it and it comes out better. This, I feel, is the case with Trendy. During Cata and early MoP he was just another warrior derping around in the gulch. Come this expansion, he has become a new person, showing greater field awareness and a great ability to crusader stack and time burst with rend.
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[MENTION=189]Conq[/MENTION] [MENTION=21759]Superstylin[/MENTION] can someone please format my post? It is still broken for me. Thank you in advance.
Voted for Trendy. In my opinion the hardest-hitting warrior in the bracket. Does an excellent job of applying rends across multiple targets for greatest overall damage (thus putting the most pressure on healers like me).
Conq Superstylin can someone please format my post? It is still broken for me. Thank you in advance.

Eh, sure why not i'm sitting on TI all day today anyway.

Dorigon All set?

Voted RANDYLAYHEE- God teir twink, definitely one of the best Warriors to ever grace a Twink Bracket with his presence. Far beyond any other warrior currently, although Lukenukem would be my 2nd choice. I just think randy's skill at 19 warrior is a few levels beyond what others are capable of.
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