EU+US Top tink Series 2015: Rogue

Top Rogue?

  • Gankerixer

    Votes: 7 6.4%
  • Hamgodx

    Votes: 5 4.6%
  • Iggzxo

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Kushkumen

    Votes: 15 13.8%
  • Menisi

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Muskiegood

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Pupiyork(Omniknight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Save

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • Saxxon

    Votes: 67 61.5%
  • Unbearable(Fancy)

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
worgen is situational at best. nelf is good in arenas and all around wsg play

basically worgen has nothing when the sprint is down

nelf has movement speed and more dodge
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worgen is situational at best. nelf is good in arenas and all around wsg play

basically worgen has nothing when the sprint is down

nelf has movement speed and more dodge

But let's talk about worgen with sprint every 2 minutes :) Because it's easy to talk about Worgen usefulness when the sprint is down

don't take that up with me, i'm not part of that discussion
You decided to come in this discussion I didn't force you :/
okay, ive played nelf worg belf orc goblin as rogue (in premades)

dont be fooled by worgen, it seems nice on paper but in practice the sprint is just not enough to close a displacer gap (goblin jump however can).

Worgen is pretty tight for arena and shit but honestly in warsong its really not as good as it seems.

IMO for WSG the races go as followed :


Nelf and gob are really really close tho
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Ok know I think that you didn't get what I was talking about and that you really take me for a retard...
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, I just think you misunderstood me. You asked where he got those numbers from (122%) and I answered that its' the tooltip. NOTHING MORE.
okay, ive played nelf worg belf orc goblin as rogue (in premades)

dont be fooled by worgen, it seems nice on paper but in practice the sprint is just not enough to close a displacer gap (goblin jump however can).

Worgen is pretty tight for arena and shit but honestly in warsong its really not as good as it seems.

IMO for WSG the races go as followed :


Nelf and gob are really really close tho
that REALLY depends on the situation.
okay, ive played nelf worg belf orc goblin as rogue (in premades)

dont be fooled by worgen, it seems nice on paper but in practice the sprint is just not enough to close a displacer gap (goblin jump however can).

Worgen is pretty tight for arena and shit but honestly in warsong its really not as good as it seems.

IMO for WSG the races go as followed :


Nelf and gob are really really close tho
It's true that even with darkflight worgens can't catch a displacing druid, unless he stops to cast or whatever, which he just shouldn't. I havn't, however, played goblin rog, how can the jump close displace gap? Doesn't displace takes you way further than jump? And would you jump imediately after displace?
definetly depends on the situation, but overall thats how i see the races b reaking down in a premade setting

Edit: Quack, when i say g jump can gap close displacer i dont mean it can literally close the entire gap, but lets say FC picks horde base and goes down tunnel, u ambush him off the pick (on cap), he then proceeds to displacer directly from cap towards tunnel, you follow that up with a goblin jump and u have moved from cap point to in tunnel extremely quickly, if youre in that posistion with a hunter chasing as well you're basically daring the druid to stop and heal himself or die to the chasing hunt

not the best example, but lets also say the druid chooses to run ramp, the down hill slope allows for massive goblin jumps and is a huge gap closer, also displacer @ 6 stacks is very easy to follow up with a goblin jump since they gain no benefit from the move speed.
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Goblins might be better for mid fight as well? Ambush kill target -> gob jump out of enemy melee range.
gob imo probably isnt on the strength level of nelf, nelf feels like it literally makes the class what it is if uve been playing non NE for awhile then finally go ne. gob also looks not great, so nelf is obv choice
gob imo probably isnt on the strength level of nelf, nelf feels like it literally makes the class what it is if uve been playing non NE for awhile then finally go ne. gob also looks not great, so nelf is obv choice
But for a horde WSG team, BE or gob?
But for a horde WSG team, BE or gob?

i dunno its all preference but belf is probably better; even though thats like, against previous logic..... how many rogues u see went goblin & actually stayed gob and play their gob rogue every day? then how many belfs? i think the gob racial suits a caster way stronger; 1% haste & jump to get distance away from melee... just me tho, never really properly theorycrafted (due to never having goblin rogue) how id want to use that goblin jump as a melee such as rogue, outside of the obvious ''escape''... goblin just hella hella fun though with the racial, like if you keep a constant supply of goblin glider kids, then its hard to have more fun on a horde race if you can stay into their looks

tldr: its preference, belf is easier to pwn with than goblin as a rogue id say though
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