serious question, i've never seen anyone been homophobic? is it a long standing thing or?
the TI community is really out of touch.
The top players being your friends?Pretty sure it already is when the top players aren't even getting mentioned.
if saves rogue was NE w/ agm... wish id like be able to see that comparison of game play/preformance.... hard to match up to NE w/ agm if you're anything else, doesn't matter if its belf, worgen, panda... even under all those races BEST scenarios for their racials to be used...
still aint able to be op like nelf, base speed is something else on rogue in particular; combined with meld n the other little things it gets (1%haste/1% crit, 5% faster stealth movement) insane
its a shame that horde is the dominant premade faction because nelf rogue is leaps(goblin is second) and bounds ahead of any other race for rogue. the fact u have all those other benefits even when ur racial is on CD makes nelf the BEST!!
Worgen for sprint tho?its a shame that horde is the dominant premade faction because nelf rogue is leaps(goblin is second) and bounds ahead of any other race for rogue. the fact u have all those other benefits even when ur racial is on CD makes nelf the BEST!!
its a shame that horde is the dominant premade faction because nelf rogue is leaps(goblin is second) and bounds ahead of any other race for rogue. the fact u have all those other benefits even when ur racial is on CD makes nelf the BEST!!
Worgen for sprint tho?
I meant for wargame purposes, since everyone is rolling with hunt + rogue on D, darkflight can be quite useful for a chance to catch those damn druids no?naw see like he said, even when racial is on cd; nelf is still best. 122% speed nonstop is better than 120% and 10sec darkflight on cooldown so if they use cc to counter your racial then you're one slow poke waddling-ass defenseless son of a bitch after that, not a pretty sight and basically forces you to que with a disc only & forever, nelf with a agm can work with other stuff though, unlike most the other racials (by work i mean rape, against good teams/players/comps cuz its pretty hard to if u dont have AGM and a shadowmeld to secure a vanish to have a guaranteed second round stealth opener
goblin nelf belf & hell; even orc(highest burst opener output) and human(agm+bm and upcoming new trinkets, highest consistant dmg cuz of base versatility) are probably all stronger than worgen... darkflight just rarely works out as someone will roll a worgen to use it for, excluding FC's & WSG when using it in stealth to chase; but swift pots maynnnnn....kinda ruins what worgen brings to the table unless they still stack for a insanely fast sprint(darkflight+swiftpot) like they used to, but even then swift potting on its own w/ other racials is better..
at least worgens will always have a place in 19s, fc druids/fc in general, kinda sucks they cant be a better experience where u dont feel disadvantaged as a worgen dps tho
?? What maths do you do to state things like that? I don't know the reason why Worgen wouldn't be the best race in WSG when playing objective (besides their look...)naw see like he said, even when racial is on cd; nelf is still best. 122% speed nonstop is better than 120% and 10sec darkflight on cooldown
wow inspecting default run speed is 100%?? What maths do you do to state things like that? I don't know the reason why Worgen wouldn't be the best race in WSG when playing objective (besides their look...)
And?wow inspecting default run speed is 100%