I dont have one single reason to PM you. My post is pretty easy to understand and doesn't need further explanation. I leave it at that. I give you the last word because you need that.
Why thank you for "giving" me the last word. It is much appreciated. Of coarse you won't PM me. Because, as I requested, you can not find any falsehoods in my statement to PM me.
Steering back to topic, unlike the above poster.
Dory, did you decide to go private or public? It looked as if you were leaning private. As you see there are a few of us that seem to think that it is more of a "popularity" poll more than anything. I really do not think that public or private will change that to be honest.
Good luck with your poll!
Have to keep in perspective that it's all for fun. I am leaning toward private for the next poll, will see how it goes. Meaningless class like mage or paladin that doesn't have much active talent. We'll see what happens, I am curious if it has an effect on voting patterns. Probably won't have a big effect, but we'll see.
Please dont call mage a meaningless class/sad
Nowhere in his comment did he state that you were giving false information, you are just being a negatively minded prick.Apparently I am not the only one that notices this...
Thank you very much!
Jva I will be waiting on that PM.
As I see it EU people have seen other EU people playing on european servers for a loooong time, and know them way better than US people do. And when the europeans moved to US we have also seen US people play, we should have a be more suited to vote for "best of". Just my 0.02$Idk about all the banter about EU people voting for EU. If we like that person better than all the other players on the list from a personal point of view.. whats wrong with that? It's still about voting for the person YOU think is best and not voting for someone because he/she is more known for his/her plays in the past.
Nowhere in his comment did he state that you were giving false information, you are just being a negatively minded prick.
Perhaps one day you will get it.As usual, you stoop to name calling.
Please read my comment before carriyng on with your mindless hunt for getting corrected.Since you insist on taking up for him I will ask of you the same thing. Please state where I was incorrect in what he quoted. Feel free to keep it to PMs if you want to not break the CoC.
Weird how you twice asked for a quote from him them then:And nowhere did I state that he or you did state that I was "wrong".
Feel free to state what I said that was incorrect in a PM.
Please state where I was incorrect in what he quoted.
You are being negative stop dodging it, and you are being negative and saracastic in every thread you post in, and people are getting real tired of your shit.He just stated that I was being "negative".
I was not being negative, I was just stating it matter of factly. If anything you were the one that is being negative.
You are such a saint, keeping this on topic!Steering back to topic yet again...
Dodging would be how you or Jva never addressed where my original analysis of the polling process that TI uses is flawed.
Of coarse I respond to questions directed at me, they are directed at me.
And to the point I did not dodge anything. You claimed my comments were "negative". And I gave my thoughts on the matter. That is the antithesis of dodging. Dodging would be how you or Jva never addressed where my original analysis of the polling process that TI uses is flawed. This conversation has ran it's coarse for me. I will leave you to it insults and all. And with that.
Do you ever have something positive to contribute to this forum? Constantly calling people out for being immature yet you are the one engaging in every thread that possibly look like it could burst into drama. If there is no drama you take it up on yourself to get the ball rolling.
Mods when will you finally ban this clown?
Are you really that spineless that you can't make a decision about a video game and worry about people judging you? Bowing to peer pressure in a video game. How sad. High School drama at it's hieght. This is exactly why I do not become too embroiled in 19's guild affairs. Too much teenage drama.
Are you trolling? How is anything I said "racist"? It's a fact that *most* not ALL EU, will simply vote EU, no matter HOW GOOD the person who they're voting for is, just so they win the vote. Keep the PC police outta here, please.
tbf EU ppl votes for EU players, SR players vote for SR players, harvest people vote for harvest players and so on. There can never really be a true determination of who is "the best" (how that now even is decided).. LoL
Cipe's just got that swag that turns lurkers into voters.[MENTION=2555]![]()
So many people with >10 posts voting... Not trying to call Cipe out or anything, but kinda suspicuous that members with close to 0 posts, with a join date so close to the creation date of the Best Of threads, are voting. And this is a general problem, and was too last year.
[MENTION=2555]Dorigon[/MENTION] this is why I would pick public poll and teach people to grow a pair:
So many people with >10 posts voting... Not trying to call Cipe out or anything, but kinda suspicuous that members with close to 0 posts, with a join date so close to the creation date of the Best Of threads, are voting. And this is a general problem, and was too last year.
Cipe's just got that swag that turns lurkers into voters.