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copymachine said:
It's funny because it's so darn true...

Edit: NB4 Incwedabull gets his wittle feewings hut again.

Why do you have so much focused crap to talk about my guild leader? I mean seriously, if he hurt your feelings so bad that you feel the need to trash talk him in every post, you take 19s waaay too seriously and need to get some sun.

In before more trash talk and hate towards the guild from your keyboard.

Anyone else that wants to discuss this matter about my guild, please, by all means, PM me and we can have a nice argument on the subject not closely watched by moderators.
It really saddens me to see that the twink community is full of elitist jerks who think for nothing but themselves. Isn't the idea of this website to welcome people? Who gives a crap who is on somebody's list. I don't. Unfortunately some people do....
Garbagepail said:
It really saddens me to see that the twink community is full of elitist jerks who think for nothing but themselves. Isn't the idea of this website to welcome people? Who gives a crap who is on somebody's list. I don't. Unfortunately some people do....

I doubt that this thread was meant to be taken seriously to begin with, it's just fun throwing names around and trying to come up with a great combination of skilled players :)

Some do take it to heart though lol
Garbagepail said:
Yeah I understood that, then it became a massive ego shitfest. XP

xD It always happens here, but hey, it creates rivalries and great competition. Not under the best of circumstances (ego rather that friendly competitiveness), but competition nonetheless.
Beenthere said:
O I can do this too

Druid: Painaid, fleas, sin, moonwalks, gaaz, holyheck

Shaman: Bone, velricc, dirty, purj

mage: Ice, ertai, snow, aurio, sheep WALTDISNEY

pally: painaid, perfection, merryjr, pwntage, healbotz, zaxie, hero

Hunter: plaque/deathsstone, leithal, ruinbreaker, cupid, desh, reflexes, OG, lebronjames, push, crossword, nystricks, pewpew

Rogue: me, cirran, ciren, obliviate, pwntage, goma, hiredhit, saxxon, amarostos, Diablo

Warlock: maineak, fair, scourge/hiredhit, haunted

warrior: me, bronzebar, sillus, walle, real, bobgnarley, wsg, littled (spelling?), demo, deadshot

Priest: Crusade, Iamnone, beaux, parx, maineak, deathsstone, twilla, patton, auggadin, devinlol

*completely unbiased and professional

^^^This if we're talking when 19s were good. But, if I must make a "TODAY" list.

Hunter: Reflexes, Pizza

Druid: DCM

Warlock: Dorygon

Paladin: Choosing anyone except hbotz is a bit silly.(for any role)

Priest: Maelstrom, I'd also be willing to fill the secondary position if I'm not already on hunter.

Rogue: Sax, goma

Mage: Since firetruck quit, I guess I'll have to go with ramonaflowers or lobstrosity.

Shaman: Nini the golden heart

Warrior: Selm and bronzebear aren't active...In fact no warrior sticks out at the moment, then again I don't Q as often as some.

You're welcome <3
I was simply agreeing with Riv. And as I previously stated I cannot HATE those who i do not know. "Focused" crap talk about your guild leader? Why, because i stated that he is among one of the dopiest hunters in the game atm? None of this is hate, please do not construe it as something that it is not.

Also, I get plenty of sun. 21 hours a day of it atm, although it is beginning to taper off a little.

Lastly, why do I need to PM you privately when everyone already knows publically your guild is shit? That statement is not HATE, it is an observation. I don't HATE you for being shit, it's one of those things that just "is". I rather celebrate the fact, my good man. I mean, when you 8-10 man queue WSG pugs and have your asses handed to you by motley bands of unaffiliated rosters, what are we supposed to think? First round draft potential? Lol?

Edit: this was in response to Awesome's previous post at me, provided below. I was playing 12 tourneys again, flubbed the reply w quote...

Why do you have so much focused crap to talk about my guild leader? I mean seriously, if he hurt your feelings so bad that you feel the need to trash talk him in every post, you take 19s waaay too seriously and need to get some sun.

In before more trash talk and hate towards the guild from your keyboard.

Anyone else that wants to discuss this matter about my guild, please, by all means, PM me and we can have a nice argument on the subject not closely watched by moderators.
Reflexes said:
^^^This if we're talking when 19s were good. But, if I must make a "TODAY" list.

Hunter: Reflexes, Pizza

Druid: DCM

Warlock: Dorygon

Paladin: Choosing anyone except hbotz is a bit silly.(for any role)

Priest: Maelstrom, I'd also be willing to fill the secondary position if I'm not already on hunter.

Rogue: Sax, goma

Mage: Since firetruck quit, I guess I'll have to go with ramonaflowers or lobstrosity.

Shaman: Nini the golden heart

Warrior: Selm and bronzebear aren't active...In fact no warrior sticks out at the moment, then again I don't Q as often as some.

You're welcome <3

Mr. Flexes you know I am the greatest player of every class ever including bby femworgen priest official reflexes healbot
Reflexes said:
^^^This if we're talking when 19s were good. But, if I must make a "TODAY" list.

Hunter: Reflexes, Pizza

Druid: DCM

Warlock: Dorygon

Paladin: Choosing anyone except hbotz is a bit silly.(for any role)

Priest: Maelstrom, I'd also be willing to fill the secondary position if I'm not already on hunter.

Rogue: Sax, goma

Mage: Since firetruck quit, I guess I'll have to go with ramonaflowers or lobstrosity.

Shaman: Nini the golden heart

Warrior: Selm and bronzebear aren't active...In fact no warrior sticks out at the moment, then again I don't Q as often as some.

You're welcome <3

Sweet, with proper capitalization of my name too. :)
copymachine said:
I was simply agreeing with Riv. And as I previously stated I cannot HATE those who i do not know. "Focused" crap talk about your guild leader? Why, because i stated that he is among one of the dopiest hunters in the game atm? None of this is hate, please do not construe it as something that it is not.

Also, I get plenty of sun. 21 hours a day of it atm, although it is beginning to taper off a little.

Lastly, why do I need to PM you privately when everyone already knows publically your guild is shit? That statement is not HATE, it is an observation. I don't HATE you for being shit, it's one of those things that just "is". I rather celebrate the fact, my good man. I mean, when you 8-10 man queue WSG pugs and have your asses handed to you by motley bands of unaffiliated rosters, what are we supposed to think? First round draft potential? Lol?

Edit: this was in response to Awesome's previous post at me, provided below. I was playing 12 tourneys again, flubbed the reply w quote...

Why do you have so much focused crap to talk about my guild leader? I mean seriously, if he hurt your feelings so bad that you feel the need to trash talk him in every post, you take 19s waaay too seriously and need to get some sun.

In before more trash talk and hate towards the guild from your keyboard.

Anyone else that wants to discuss this matter about my guild, please, by all means, PM me and we can have a nice argument on the subject not closely watched by moderators.

I think I know who you are.

Although; you haven't yet spammed "MAGGOT" so I can't be sure.

Seeing as to how you typed that WoT entirely about how "my guild sucks", I am guessing you are a bit hurt by what I said. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but TCF is trying the best we can. We currently have a lack of core premaders, and we are trying to fix that.

We are trying as best as we can to be as best as we can. There is no need to flame us for trying hard. There is also no need to flame one of our best players and guild leader

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention why this needs to be carried out through PMs: because you are going to get the thread locked.
copymachine said:
I was simply agreeing with Riv. And as I previously stated I cannot HATE those who i do not know. "Focused" crap talk about your guild leader? Why, because i stated that he is among one of the dopiest hunters in the game atm? None of this is hate, please do not construe it as something that it is not.

Also, I get plenty of sun. 21 hours a day of it atm, although it is beginning to taper off a little.

Lastly, why do I need to PM you privately when everyone already knows publically your guild is shit? That statement is not HATE, it is an observation. I don't HATE you for being shit, it's one of those things that just "is". I rather celebrate the fact, my good man. I mean, when you 8-10 man queue WSG pugs and have your asses handed to you by motley bands of unaffiliated rosters, what are we supposed to think? First round draft potential? Lol?

Edit: this was in response to Awesome's previous post at me, provided below. I was playing 12 tourneys again, flubbed the reply w quote...

Why do you have so much focused crap to talk about my guild leader? I mean seriously, if he hurt your feelings so bad that you feel the need to trash talk him in every post, you take 19s waaay too seriously and need to get some sun.

In before more trash talk and hate towards the guild from your keyboard.

Anyone else that wants to discuss this matter about my guild, please, by all means, PM me and we can have a nice argument on the subject not closely watched by moderators.

you forgot to do your cute little Next. thing
Paladin : Phone, Ericah

Hunter : Rastaman

Rogue : Fly, Omgmom

Mage : Viancoqia

Priest : Yayu

Hunter : Rastaman

Warlock : Udmalelock

Warrior : Zimt, Ubu

Druid : Yup

This is only ppl i have played with or against, i wont add random names with high TI rep, cus like most ppl here i have no idea of how good or bad they are.
List I came up with.


Hunter- Pizza/Beau

Shaman- Nakedplumber

Priest- Phe/Xar/and THAT priest who likes Trix yogurt

Warrior- Adeus/Sky/Turdel

Lock- Sidni

Pally- Rax/Dea(aka Derna :p)

Druid- Utamar

Rogue- Curley/Ko

Mage- Mcd/Lobstrosity/Camo


Hunter- Reverb/Afkbait/Rubkips/Bud

Shaman- Dasfizzla/Purj/Dinnersready/Sloppyheals

Priest-Flashhealz/Samhain/Sacrifice(Disc priests ftw.)


Lock-Dorygon(only lock that is pro.)




Mage-Ko...cause hes the only mage i see
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