I don't think curley is a "legend". At least, not for anything honorable. I'm referring especially to ingame. People only noticed him in Cata for his ego that was 10 times bigger than Goma's and he made himself to be an extremely huge target for mockery. Was he a bad cata rogue? No, he wasn't bad but this was also when rogues were shadowstep ambushing flag returns so there wasn't much of ceiling there. He did not stand from the pack due to his gameplay as it was quite consistent with every other viable cata rogue's game play for the most part. In the past, he was a decent rogue to have on your team up until he went horde and started the afking trend / ego issues and bitching at his team the entire game and calling them bad. Then he became more of a nuisance than an asset. However, he also spent a lot of time in ridiculous group queues. Personally, if you don't excel while solo queuing, you're not worthy of any recognition when group queuing.
For a WSG rogue to be "legendary" I'd consider them a rogue who can solo return 5-10 flags every game, and solo return in premades. Many games back in cata there were many rogues who were returning more flags and had less deaths than him and simply made the plays as well so I'm not relying only on scoreboard here. He could have taken his passion for twinking, made his own guild, rebranded and been a leader in the community on a level similar to Pizza or Myrm. He could have been the GM of one of the top premading guilds if he channeled his passion, cut the bs and put the work in to build a guild from the ground up.
Today, he cannot stand on his own in PUGs. Many 19s in PUGs don't even know who he is. Sure, it's nice to see him on your team because you know he's passionate, but I'd much rather have Skeezine as a BM monk on my team than Curley. Skeezin hands down is years beyond curley in PUG gameplay and I'd be willing to bet premades as well (I have not seen Skeezine in premades). How can I respect someone who can't even stay in a PUG? His name has been sung by some huge leaders in our community and other very big names which have built some big image of Curley in the eyes of many. However, if you ignore the praises and focus on what he actually does in game, what he did in game, there are many twinkers who are more deserving of recognition than him. The attitude of calling everyone "shit" is a completely separate matter all together.
Now, I'm not perfect and I know no one is perfect. Have I raged at my team before? Somewhat However, the most I've said was "WTB RETURN NOW PLEASE" and "COME ON O PLEASE" and "I REALLY NEEDED A HEAL THERE" but the typical "You're all shit" followed by /afk is just straight up unnecessary.
When I was FCing for WT I got to see him premade as I don't think he was ever in any premades up until some in MOP. He was really good at target calling and good at strategy. However, I feel as though only a small handful of people have ever seen that side of him which is a shame because that's the source for most of his praise that is well deserved.
Leadership - B
Gameplay - A-
Attitude - D
Forum Personality - D