These are the 29s that need our help

Did I miss some sarcasm here or sumthin? CUz ur on horde and u won...and ur on a druid, prolly feral....priest healer and a few bm's and a shit ton of ferals lol, what a team!

Those Starsurges totally belong to a Feral. 110%
Did I miss some sarcasm here or sumthin? CUz ur on horde and u won...and ur on a druid, prolly feral....priest healer and a few bm's and a shit ton of ferals lol, what a team!

cant you see the starsurge icon on his bars.
also hes a legit f2p without any enchants
Well I guess someone deserves a cookie for not being fotm, grats OP. Still looks like a shitty match though. Rly bro 3 different classes take up 90 percent of the team? God I hate it when that happens. Thats most of the reason I barely play anymore. Been balancing between WoW, starcraft, and a tiny bit of old school runescape. Pretty lame game but I grew up on it.
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Are you suggesting that new twinks are not welcome here?

That is a potential problem for this site. It has gotten so out of hand with the threats and brow beating that we now feel that TI is not a welcoming place for new members.


90% of everyone here is just salty or haters. Ofc new players are welcome but thy will leave after starting one tread.
I can see the situation here in the 20s has taken a turn for the worse.

I've talked to a number of people from other brackets, and we decided to start a prayer circle for you all.
I shall quote you again then break it down for you.
For what reason? to make you self look dumber then you already do?

You asked "what's up with me" and why did I repeat questions? Here you are clearly inferring that even a Veteran TI member is not welcome to post questions on TI.
No I am asking what is wrong with you and why you are repeating questions, litterally. You are making stuff up that is not there.
You then go on to state " I have been seeing you a lot lately". Another bullying tactic to keep someone from posting.
No I did not state that. You are twisting my words again...

Do I really need to quote the post for crying out loud?

While some of these intimidation tactics may work on some people. I can assure you, my friend, they will not work on me.
You are completely wrong seeking things that are not there. But I know what its all about, you say you do not get angry and stuff but that is a lie. This is all about being buthurt over that gun thing. I know, I am not stupid and I am not your friend and never will be.

At any rate, if we want to help people, we need to steer them to the website. Not away from it. This website has a plethora of information on it for new and upcoming people. We just need to show them how to use it. And how to find it. Instead people try to attack them and run them off.
Is what I am saying all along, you want to attack me on that again or making others believe I do not share this view?
Comon Allybeboba... you are getting old.. read again..
Whats up with you man, why do you repeat questions... He already answered that.

Have been seeing you do that alot lately...
Everyone can gear however they want there are no standards how to gear a toon. Wether its bis-twinking, semi-twinking etc you just simply point them to this website and let them have a look around so they can find stuff out and tell them to ask questions here about gearing if needed.

Making a thread about this, clearly this person doesnt come here, is just silly. Just help the guy out.
/P in your face too.

Now lets face it your own tactics steer people away from this forum. What you are doing is not helping people but far from it. You are just scaring new people away with it, thats for sure. Now if you want to continue this sheet.. pm me but I do not gurantee any answers.
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Have been seeing you do that alot lately...

Your quote...
I accidentally left out a couple words and corrected your typographical error. Are we going to split hairs over two words?
You don't want me to embarrass you. I am exceedingly good at it, if I choose to be.
Have a wonderful day.

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View attachment 6090
dunno, they are so bad even though they play fotm it doesnt feel like an accomplishment to rape the defcon five scrubs :(


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Sounds bout right. Hey ima roll fotm, but since its so strong that gives me an exscuse to not even put the effort into getting BIS gear. hurhur.

Heres my bm....debatable as to if the gear is bis, but its a lot better than most of these guys who just slap on some boa and crafted gears. Check my sig.

all of your toons are FOTM why are you even here

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