These are the 29s that need our help

Unsure as of why a 29 BM monk ever needs help.

you're right BMs don't need any help, when i told this guy that most of his enchants were useless and his gear was sub-par his response was "I do more DMG then almost everyone. I thought that was because of my enchants." My only reply was no it's cause you're BM.
People are pretty receptive to telling them how to improve in 19s for the most part. I find most the time you just have to talk to people the right way so that they are open to what you have to say to them
Sounds bout right. Hey ima roll fotm, but since its so strong that gives me an exscuse to not even put the effort into getting BIS gear. hurhur.

Heres my bm....debatable as to if the gear is bis, but its a lot better than most of these guys who just slap on some boa and crafted gears. Check my sig.
Sounds bout right. Hey ima roll fotm, but since its so strong that gives me an exscuse to not even put the effort into getting BIS gear. hurhur.

Heres my bm....debatable as to if the gear is bis, but its a lot better than most of these guys who just slap on some boa and crafted gears. Check my sig.

lol all your toons are fotm, and poorly geared. so who r u even talkin

ahaha you even using vibroblade oh
you're right BMs don't need any help, when i told this guy that most of his enchants were useless and his gear was sub-par his response was "I do more DMG then almost everyone. I thought that was because of my enchants." My only reply was no it's cause you're BM.
Everyone can gear however they want there are no standards how to gear a toon. Wether its bis-twinking, semi-twinking etc you just simply point them to this website and let them have a look around so they can find stuff out and tell them to ask questions here about gearing if needed.

Making a thread about this, clearly this person doesnt come here, is just silly. Just help the guy out.
-Female Panda
-Spellpower enchants on Agility boa pants
-The dodge rings
-Elemental Force wep enchant

There's a lot of things wrong but if that player is confident then more power to him/her.
lol all your toons are fotm, and poorly geared. so who r u even talkin

ahaha you even using vibroblade oh

Lol rly bro. So shadow fangs and gloom shroud is poorly geared? Also I use vibro offhand because it's faster weapon speed than sf. You don't use slow offhands. Also my shaman is sexy as fuck dude. Who faction changes just for one ring? This guy.
Lol rly bro. So shadow fangs and gloom shroud is poorly geared? Also I use vibro offhand because it's faster weapon speed than sf. You don't use slow offhands. Also my shaman is sexy as fuck dude. Who faction changes just for one ring? This guy.

youre kidding right?
you dont have gnom gear on any of your toons
you use a staff on a shadowpriest, lol?
using the max agi shoudlers but a stendels ring on a rogue, sick combo.
also i like the ellos band+slither combo. very good choice to lose stats.
If you actually think your enha shaman has good gear idk what to say

lets be real, shadowfangs and gloomshrouds dsnt make a twink a 'good' twink, it requires abit more work now qt
I don't have gnome gear because I don't have time to farm it. I might one of these days but I just don't play often enough anymore for it to be worth it. Some twinKS I don't play much like my bm and sprirst. Main ones I play is my shammy, rogue and druid. The rogues gear isn't bad at all. Heavy silver ring is exactly the same as gnome without the resistance....stindels scales to 10 crit. So when I enter bg with that setup I have like 330 ap and 25 percent crit. I choose my gear based on what stats I want not what everyone else uses.
I don't have gnome gear because I don't have time to farm it. I might one of these days but I just don't play often enough anymore for it to be worth it. Some twinKS I don't play much like my bm and sprirst. Main ones I play is my shammy, rogue and druid. The rogues gear isn't bad at all. Heavy silver ring is exactly the same as gnome without the resistance....stindels scales to 10 crit. So when I enter bg with that setup I have like 330 ap and 25 percent crit. I choose my gear based on what stats I want not what everyone else uses.

but you still lose stats isntead of using other items with agi/crit rofl
Everyone can gear however they want there are no standards how to gear a toon. Wether its bis-twinking, semi-twinking etc you just simply point them to this website and let them have a look around so they can find stuff out and tell them to ask questions here about gearing if needed.

Making a thread about this, clearly this person doesnt come here, is just silly. Just help the guy out.

I think i should explain better because when i made this post his enchants were very different. Last night all his neck,cape, bracers, gloves and rings enchants were mastery and his chest was +resil. I did explain to him what he could do to improve and he has taken steps to improve that. His gear was also slightly different. It's nice to see that he took some of the advise because you're right he's the kind of person who will never read any of this and that was the point of. A lot of people do not have the correct information if you see them please help them out. Mostly everyone I've seen that was so badly geared and enchanted that i had to help them out have been receptive and appreciative. And well this monk is not close to what anyone would consider BiS he is miles ahead of what he was yesterday. .
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Instead of trying to "help" people that did not ask for it. You could steer them to this fine website. And we could all "help" them. We have an entire section devoted to helping people. Stickies devoted to armories and BiS enchant spreadsheets.
I am sure [MENTION=5141]Myrm[/MENTION] would appreciate any positive advertisement for the website we could give it.
Have fun everyone!

/Gig 'em!

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