The Truth about the 19 Community July 2013

No offense but your forum voice usually contains profanities and /or is not the most grammatically correct writing I've seen on the Internet. (Which is understandable because these are video game forums and you abbreviate a lot) not meant as hate but it clearly isn't Saxxon
Eliot I giggled at that as well. Gameplay is never more important than year long friendships. Wow is just an alternative to interacting with other humans :p

Saxxon's grammar was good like 1,5 yrs ago, iirc, don't count him out lol
It only seems plausible this was Dorigon. He's hasn't been in game lately (busy writing this), this matches his style, he is one of the only people who can write on this site, and he added a quick reply about Rodent not being mentioned to make it more realistic. Can all of these be coincidences? I think not. I also just contained Dory the other day, which goes nicely with the section about me.
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First and Foremost, Good OP. Obviously someone who would prefer to remain hidden wanted to get his/her opinions out there for people to read. I must say that I do not agree with everything said but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

A little about what was written about me. Thank you for noticing what I probably strive for the most, good attitude and kindness carries me threw my days. I will be the first to admit I am a average player, I skill capped long ago and all I can bring to the table is consistent objective game play, a gear to the machine of a great team I like to think to myself. About my grammar I never proof read what I post here and as I am at work I am generally multitasking my posts. I do have alot of grammar errors and don't really intend on fixing it.

My guess as to who this is......Healbawts, he recently came back and under the persona he displays he is a very in depth person that I can see writing this out, doing so anonymously so it doesn't ruin the persona he shows as Hbotz
Obviously someone who would prefer to remain hidden wanted to get his/her opinions out there for people to read. I must say that I do not agree with everything said but everyone is entitled to their opinions.
I think that it would have added interesting context to this thread if the poster had identified themselves, instead of posting anonymously. For example, it would be interesting to know whether the poster plays Alliance or Horde, or what class they play.

The poster is probably worried about people being angry with him/her. However, as Khaos mentioned, everyone is entitled to their opinions. The post didn't seem to be written in a mean way and it is clear that the poster put a lot of thought into the post and seemed to try to give an unbiased opinion from their own experiences in the bracket.
Rough Love

Vianco- One of the most skilled players in the bracket. Very good mage and druid, whether it is in the gulch or the arena. Has extremely high damage output in warsong gulch and great CC on mage. There are not many players in the bracket that are good in arenas like this guy and his guild. His showing in the Arena Tournament supports this. I feel that his guild currently has the strongest players, however the majority of their players being from Europe and having accounts there works against them on US. RL and RT are often compared, I’ve seen that RL is a very close group of friends, they don’t have to look to one single person whereas RT is always looking to Pizza and following him around for everything. But for Vianco to lead such a successful guild, he must be doing a lot of things right.

Stubs- Great paladin, he’s probably right when he says he’s the best paladin in the bracket. He is a little similar to Curley but not nearly that extreme. His ego is much more tolerable. He has shown that he can pretty much play any healing class and be exceptionally well at it. Usually tops healing charts, I’d say he’s the best healer in the game at the moment. He has a nice stream as well. It was pretty funny when he got DA’s video taken down.

Yowza- This guy has a huge ego but he can back it up. He plays almost every class and if you have a discussion about who is the top of each class, he’d be in every with the exception of his rogue and maybe his warrior. He was good in Cata as Confident but he really turned it up a notch on MoP. Exceptionally skilled player and people say he taught Pizza how to play boomkin. I’m surprised that this guy doesn’t post on the forums more, you would think he would be a guy posting on here all the time. Seems like the guys he hangs around are all very active on the forums, besides those that have been banned, of course.

Ridwane- He’s a pretty good player but after about 10 seconds his macro/addon gets really annoying. Do we really need to know everything you dispel or shear? If you look at chatlog when you’re in a game with him, all you see is his white text.

Hajima- Very good hunter, I’m not sure where the hell this guy came from. It really feels like he came out of nowhere.

Lolpzlate- Cool guy and a decent hunter, but he isn’t quite at the point of being a top player in the bracket.

whoever made this thread must like Rough Love
Realized I forgot a lot of people and have added those I felt deserved to be mentioned. Edited in a section for people I forgot.
Suggestions for more, since you are adding some in: Sneaky, Nicozy, Dfectrswench, Livingforce, Arkant, Uwantsomefuq
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Add me too

Drayner <Guildless> This old guy loves to impose his self-righteous morals on the community. He is an average player with above average drive to win. His average play stifles his drive to win most of the time. When he plays as an unknown player, he is often complimented and when his secret identity is revealed by the community, he is again labeled as a Garbotwink.
Approved. Good read, opinions are just that...opinions. :)

Keep things civil and it will stay open. Please no more reports for this thread other than for inappropriate responses.
Give them an inch and they take a mile.

Lesson learned. Thread Closed.

Edit: Several community members including the thread creator has come to me with a friendly plea to reopen this thread. Since things were brought to me civilly I am more than happy to oblige. Any comments that are deemed as inappropriate or promote banter will be deleted without warning.

Don't make me regret my decision. Thread Re-Opened.
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