The origin of our name

I actually.. do not remember anymore. Now I just make any word that fits with leek at the end, my favourite being Affleekshuns
The origin of my name (in short): Nkopala, comes through inheritance.

The first owner of the name was a Spanish player in those years of 2008, the player's name was Nicolas and he was a friend of a neighbor who was known to me because I was taken care of by his mother (in her house) during my childhood.

It was in the middle of 2008 that I saw my neighbor with almost 12 years of difference (he was older) playing World of Warcraft WOTLK in the realm of TarreWow (one of the first private WOTLK realms in LATAM). It was then when he saw my interest in the game and helped me to create an account with his little sister who was about my age.

It was then that he had already received the name Nkopala, as the original player left him his account because he had stopped playing. So I played World of Warcraft WOTLK from 2008 to 2009 as a real 9 year old rookie.

It was then when I was no longer under the care of his mother when I was my first experience with a PC therefore trying to connect to the game in a private realm, I went to update the WOTLK (which was previously installed patch by patch) to the recent expansion CATACLYSM was so thanks to the support of close friends that I started my first experience in World of Warcraft STARTER EDITION, it was then that I started with a rogue named Sathok and later a druid named Darkfurius.

Certainly I still had a relationship with that family that took care of me during my childhood, so I spent a lot of time playing with them on different occasions. In one of those times I was already hallucinating with Nkopala, he had clips on his PC and I was really enchanted with some montages with classic Rammstein songs.

It was so soon after that I asked him to use the name of his character and he with great difficulty approved it, knowing that soon he would stop playing.

It was then when I raised Nkopala in an official realm Quel'thalas was already Mist of Pandaria 2012 where the real adventure as a player began because it was with this character with which I became well known in the Latin American realms. It was in this way that I really started as a player in F2P until the year 2021. (where I retired completely from the official realms).

Currently my beloved name I have earned and inherited with much honor I carry it with much contentment in the beloved XPOFF community and in the private realms of TauriWow applying the Starter Edition manifesto that you can read in my signature at the end of the post.

My first impactful twink was a lock named Docmario back in vanilla. I kept the moniker "doc" when playing at that time thus the paladin "Docadin" who was a spell power stacking 2h shockadin in vanilla (ran a glacial stone with +spell power)

By the time I made lateral drop the name was using for my gaming tag was Whizzer Saves. Its a shortened version of a phrase I use as a wrestling coach "Whizzer saves a thousand points" and a Whizzer is the name of a defence in wrestling. Lateral Drop is the name of a wrestling throw, so that's how my shaman ended up w that name

I was away from wow for some time
Anexa is actually my first friend in World of Warcraft's username. Found her while leveling in TBC, she quit in WotLK. Haven't seen her since. It was a druid however, but I like it on a rogue


Sunnyside is from Toy Story 3



Punie is from a funny anime, Dai Mahō-Tōge



Whorrible is from a tumblr profile


I've more names that I usually go with, but those are my twinks so far. Splitterny is simply Swedish for "brand new", I think it is a cool word pronounced in Swedish. No idea how it sounds for foreign people
*sighs* Our stories disclose in a general way... However, I wish no one to have walked in my masochistic and sadistic shoes.

I came to TwinkInfo eons ago, thus my white name. I made a quick name for myself here in TBC and WOTLK being that one asshole level 10 dodge twink who hated casters and loved killing melee. I have an old channel still on youtube about some of those exploits.
Oh no what is this?
^--- The link to the channel. It wasn't my best work but for 12 years ago. I was pretty young and I was doing it mostly for the laughs and lulz.

From there I continued to bounce around in the different battlegroups. I came to Frostmourne after meeting Firetruckk and Sax. You can even see a clip or two of my horde male troll running around at hyper speed because of the song I used. Again, wasn't good back then. I created and ran a guild - I think I called it Level Ten Twinks but honestly I cannot recall. WOTLK was a very fun time for me.

After that, I sort of just drifted in and out of the twink community. I made a couple of hunters as you can see on that channel as well. Other than that, I guess my Twinking game sort of diminished. I still have a few of my old 19's which I haven't touched since scaling I played in I believe it was WoD. But, after that I burnt myself out and lost the spark to play the game... Then I went to WrA/Moon Guard and got my spark back to play the game.

One day I hope to regain my old Moderator rank, however. This is just a long term goal. n_n
My favorite letter is V, so I did V and a y which is like a v with a tail and then I added another v so I'd have one uppercase and one lowercase. The y sounds like 'e' when you say my name so it sounds like you're actually just saying the letter V (followed by the sound a v normally makes).

Then I felt bad that I was only using V so I added an N and M to the end.


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