The new rogue build

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if u think about it LS procs way less and for wsg u only need 10-11 hit as an ally rogue cause of nelf evis not needed as much since rogues and other classes dont have significant dodge like they used to
curleypwnsu said:
if u think about it LS procs way less

Is this a joke? LS has the same proc rate as Fiery and they both proc more than Unholy and Fiery Blaze.
curleypwnsu said:
if u think about it LS procs way less and for wsg u only need 10-11 hit as an ally rogue cause of nelf evis not needed as much since rogues and other classes dont have significant dodge like they used to

Lifestealing procs exactly as much as Fiery Weapon. The point of this build is to build up a lot of speed and then hit as many hits as possible to utilize the procs. The hit cap only goes for special abilities but a large amount of your procs will come from white hits so the more white hits you gain through SnD and hit rating, the more damage you'll do.
curleypwnsu said:
but does LS do more as much dps as fiery i dont think so

No, this is where the personal preference kicks in. One could argue that you gain more from 30 damage and 30 healing, while others argue that you won't need the healing and that a rogue's main purpose is damage.
Its a survivability build, not a dps one. And ever since LS damage went from 60 to 30 its been equivalent ppm to Fiery. IMO lesser elemental slayer is still BiS ;)
Quelfep said:
I really didnt know that. What does LS hit?

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If anyone actually read the thread I already covered LS vs. Fiery at 6 PPM. LS does 30 damage and 30 healing, firey does 40 damage (can crit for 60). So for anyone who wants to know the difference between the two. If they both hit the max proc rate.

Damage x Procs / 60 = DPS


30x6=180/60 = 3DPS Lifestealing also has 3 HPS


40x6=240/60 = 4DPS
^^ the above is general common knowledge anyways. The new LS does 60 less overall dmg and 60 more healing for those who haven't used it since the old days.

Old LS- 4ppm 60 shadow damage;30 healing 4x60=240 dmg;4x30=120 health

New LS-6ppm 30 Shadow damage;30 healing 6x30=180;6x30=180 health

They both have the same overall combat numbers, but the current form is more linear. :D
iaccidentallytwink said:
Once again, welcome.

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So wait, what about fiery. Liek, are there any spreadsheets for it?
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