THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

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killerhunter makes a 10x better list than twiggi and blirz combined

tho his is all sorts of awful too
My new list with some changes. This reflects warsong play only. I have also seperated into class sections. In this way player skill across the board is easier to rate and match up. If anyone wishes to be added please send me a message. A lot of the scores were inflated so I gave out a lot less 9s and reduced most scores. As well the top end scores vary, for example there are not a wide variety of warriors that are near skill cap, but with paladins there are quite a few. Certain individuals who are well regarded by the community have been inactive and are rusty, in their score this is reflected.
Potatofarmer 9.2
Darkchewie 9.0
Rejen 9.0
Nudge 8.7
Healzilla 8.6
Animal 8.0
Nakedplumber 7.5
Restosexual 7.0
Zukum 7.0
Utamar 6.7
Pizza 9.6
Nettiebay 9.4
Nvme 9.4
Erotk 9.2
Ezeron 9.0
Agonist 8.7
Lolpzlate 8.7
Fancy 8.6
Yoko 8.5 (I kind of enjoy having you gulch, just keep working.)
Behstan 8.4
Fanatic 8.3
Craycray 8.3
Beau 8.2
Dramatize 8.0 (Have faith tink, your toon is new to the bracket)
Discover 8.0
Alexandriya 8.0
Nyquil 7.9

Lobstrosity 9.4
Confidentfoo 9.3
Shagaloon 9.1
Sliquelol 8.7
Hunnybuns 8.7
Snowboots 8.4
Uraflamer 8.4
Wreckingnerdz 8.4
Kinetic 8.4
Revolution 7.5
Minitonka 10.0 (Okay this is the only non-serious one I put, but let me stress I LOVE minitonka. Hes great to have in a game)
Kancer 9.7
Silin 9.4 (Unsung hero, always a well disciplined and serious healer. She does not get the recognition she deserves.)
Idiote 9.2
Blirz 9.1
Koncentrate 9.0
Symphonies 9.0
Tence 9.0
Menizi 8.8
Paladinlol 8.8
Wapstur 8.8
Sylvatic 8.3
Judgejobrown 8.3
Hithere 8.3
Hubabubbapro 8.0
Corey 7.8
Sledge 7.0
Ore 6.0
Twiggi 9.3
Melseadys 9.2
Forevergoldx 9.1
Dagamela 8.9
Sodawater 8.8
Fortt 8.8
Vettori 8.8
Endlessfate 8.8
Lax 8.6
Pixeology 8.6
Samhain 8.6
Kunzpopper 8.6
Dcm 8.6
Wazed 8.5
Dontdodrugs 8.5
Livingforce 8.5
Ashbeth 8.3
Laurasia 8.0
Yessi 7.0
Ko 9.1
Slydurr 9.0
Curley 8.9
Sneaky 8.8
Rithonuwy 8.6
Mocha 8.6
Unsulliied 8.5
Loveshack 8.5
Furi 8.5 (Always goes hard every game. Kudos.)
Abigail 8.3
Air 8.3
Chi 8.3
Pelotera 8.3
Aktis 8.1
Saxx 8.0
Tapout 8.0
Tonks 7.8 (Get active again please)
Apnea 7.7
Mass 7.5
Theetwink 7.4
Dasfizzla 9.3
Cannabis 8.7
Purj 8.6
Rvrstar 8.4
Billowqt 8.3
Mnkey 8.0

Niini 7.5
Eliot 7.0
Dorygoon 9.2
Zealote 9.0
Fidypcmctink 7.0 (But imo -10 for being a thief)
Sidni 6.0
Darthbadass 5.9
Daphane 5.8
Casino 8.6
Dazzlerazzle 8.6
Gearz 8.5
Trendy 8.3
Ghostfighter 7.8
Sanit 6.2
Brown 5.0
Wacotaco 8.0 ( The best wizard there was)
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I cant believe you put unsullied over saxx

Unsullied is a bucket of shmeg
My new list with some changes. This reflects warsong play only. I have also seperated into class sections. In this way player skill across the board is easier to rate and match up. If anyone wishes to be added please send me a message. A lot of the scores were inflated so I gave out a lot less 9s and reduced most scores. As well the top end scores vary, for example there are not a wide variety of warriors that are near skill cap, but with paladins there are quite a few. Certain individuals who are well regarded by the community have been inactive and are rusty, in their score this is reflected.
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I havent played my shaman for 5 months

Edit: Animal has a higher rating than me... list is broken
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My ne

w list with some changes. This reflects warsong play only. I have also seperated into class sections. In this way player skill across the board is easier to rate and match up. If anyone wishes to be added please send me a message. A lot of the scores were inflated so I gave out a lot less 9s and reduced most scores. As well the top end scores vary, for example there are not a wide variety of warriors that are near skill cap, but with paladins there are quite a few. Certain individuals who are well regarded by the community have been inactive and are rusty, in their score this is reflected.
Potatofarmer 9.2
Darkchewie 9.0
Rejen 9.0
Nudge 8.7
Animal 8.0
Restosexual 7.0
Zukum 7.0
Utamar 6.7
Pizza 9.6
Nettiebay 9.4
Nvme 9.4
Erotk 9.2
Ezeron 9.0
Agonist 8.7
Lolpzlate 8.7
Fancy 8.6
Fanatic 8.3
Craycray 8.3
Beau 8.2
Discover 8.0
Alexandriya 8.0
Nyquil 7.9

Lobstrosity 9.4
Confidentfoo 9.3
Shagaloon 9.1
Sliquelol 8.7
Hunnybuns 8.7
Snowboots 8.4
Wreckingnerdz 8.4
Kinetic 8.4
Revolution 7.5
Minitonka 10.0 (Okay this is the only non-serious one I put, but let me stress I LOVE minitonka. Hes great to have in a game)
Kancer 9.7
Silin 9.4 (Unsung hero, always a well disciplined and serious healer. She does not get the recognition she deserves.)
Idiote 9.2
Koncentrate 9.0
Symphonies 9.0
Tence 9.0
Menizi 8.8
Paladinlol 8.8
Wapstur 8.8
Sylvatic 8.3
Judgejobrown 8.3
Hithere 8.3
Hubabubbapro 8.0
Corey 7.8
Sledge 7.0
Ore 6.0
Twiggi 9.3
Melseadys 9.2
Forevergoldx 9.1
Dagamela 8.9
Sodawater 8.8
Fortt 8.8
Vettori 8.8
Lax 8.6
Samhain 8.6
Kunzpopper 8.6
Dcm 8.6
Dontdodrugs 8.5
Livingforce 8.5
Ashbeth 8.3
Laurasia 8.0
Yessi 7.0
Ko 9.1
Slydurr 9.0
Curley 8.9
Sneaky 8.8
Rithonuwy 8.6
Mocha 8.6
Unsulliied 8.5
Loveshack 8.5
Furi 8.5 (Always goes hard every game. Kudos.)
Abigail 8.3
Air 8.3
Chi 8.3
Pelotera 8.3
Aktis 8.1
Saxx 8.0
Tapout 8.0
Apnea 7.7
Mass 7.5
Dasfizzla 9.3
Cannabis 8.7
Purj 8.6
Rvrstar 8.4
Billowqt 8.3
Mnkey 8.0
Nakedplumber 8.0
Niini 7.5
Eliot 7.0
Dorygoon 9.2
Zealote 9.0
Fidypcmctink 7.0 (But imo -10 for being a thief)
Sidni 6.0
Darthbadass 5.9
Daphane 5.8
Casino 8.6
Dazzlerazzle 8.6
Gearz 8.5
Trendy 8.3
Ghostfighter 7.8
Sanit 6.2
Brown 5.0

Twiggie Being A-team for WT has obv gone to your head your not even near the skill of Wtbdispell or Dontdodrugs or fortt or Kunz, rofl Nettle or pizza being higher than NVme/Ezeron what a fucking joke.

lets jus go ahead and put WT on the top of ere list or near the top

Silin is an awful pally she has to have Dasfizzle sit in the corner switching between stam and Ele set so she can beat me in healing in wsg when i NEVER play pally

oh i almost forgot WT #1 right?
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Twiggie Being A-team for WT has obv gone to your head your not even near the skill of Wtbdispell or Dontdodrugs or fortt or Kunz, rofl Nettle or pizza being higher than NVme/Ezeron what a fucking joke.

lets jus go ahead and put WT on the top of ere list or near the top

Silin is an awful pally she has to have Dasfizzle sit in the corner switching between stam and Ele set so she can beat me in healing in wsg when i NEVER play pally

oh i almost forgot WT #1 right?
Please do not swear. It deeply offends me.

Also, you're hardly in the place to make judgements on other players, you've been back to the bracket for basically a week.

For the record, Silin is an excellent paladin.
But cannabis said that WT was #1
never heard of sarcasm have you?


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thats not the same Team lil ole twig why do u think pizza dodged for 7 months after that game :p

u really shoudlent bring shit up that u have absolutely no idea about
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