Twinkzruz said:
And im sure that some of the things you have used to correct me were from the internet aswell. The same pool that i got my information.

some things from the web, some things i'd already known. wherever the source of these so called "facts" you get, you could double check them. when i go to correct you i simply use google and then read several sources to verify their status...i dont merely find the 1st random "fact' web page and link random crap
Twinkzruz said:
Stereotypes? That wasn't a stereotype it was a poll that was taken by sales that were concluded in stores on both sides.

That people living on the east coast purchased creamy peanut butter, while people living on the west coast purchased more chunky peanut butter

hence a stereotype.....

the poll generalized what peanut butter people bought and then applied a label to all people living there that may or may not be true.

in the words of the great south park "help yourself to a fuckin' science book, cause you're talking like a fuckin' retard."
A group of bears is called a "Sloth"

A group of cats is called a "Clowder"

A group of dogs is called a "Kennel"

A group of donkeys is called a "Pace"
Falkor said:
hence a stereotype.....

the poll generalized what peanut butter people bought and then applied a label to all people living there that may or may not be true.

in the words of the great south park "help yourself to a fuckin' science book, cause you're talking like a fuckin' retard."

Let me change the words then:

The sales of creamy peanut butter is high on the east coast, than it is on the west coast, where sales of chunky peanut butter is higher.
there ya go buddy...finally gettin somehair now
All polar bears are left handed.

Ants never sleep.

Owls cannot move their eyes because their eyeballs tubular in shape.

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Twinkzruz said:
All polar bears are left handed.

Ants never sleep.

1. no. "This is a very persistant myth, but still a myth. See Bear Facts - Polar Bears International


Polar bears are NOT left handed."

2. not really... "No one knows whether ants "sleep" in the way we do. They don't have eyelids, so they can't close their eyes. They do rest, but trying to monitor their brain activity at this time would interfere with it so much that the results wouldn't tell us anything. Ants do look for food only during the day. And in the winter, their breathing and metabolism slows way down." but also "At least one species of ant sleeps. In the July 2009 edition of the Journal of Insect Behaviour, Deby L. Cassill, Skye Brown, Devon Swick and George Yanev published an article entitled 'Polyphasic Wake/Sleep Episodes in the Fire Ant, Solenopsis Invicta'.

In that article, Cassill et al. found that fire ants do sleep, although the amount of sleep an individual ant had varied by caste. Workers had an average of 253 'sleep episodes' a day, but each lasted an average of only 1.1 minutes, for a total of approximately 4.8 hours of sleep overall. By contrast, queens only experienced 92 sleep episodes, but each lasted an average of 6 minutes, for a total of 9.4 hours of sleep overall.

In addition, the study found that fire ant sleep was unaffected by light or darkness, and that queens experienced periods of 'rapid antenna movement' sleep. The authors suggested this 'RAM' sleep might be equivalent to vertebrate REM (rapid eye movement) sleep."

BTW: post #1,000. i rule, you drool.
Falkor said:
1. no. "This is a very persistant myth, but still a myth. See Bear Facts - Polar Bears International


Polar bears are NOT left handed."

They stated that they use their right and left hands equally.

The polar bears are ambidextrous, which is giving that site their credit. But their main brain setting is left handed.

Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
Cptheal said:
fedex has a secret arrow in its name (or one of those major shipping companies...idk if it was fedex)


twinkzruz why the fuck would you post this garbage over 15 pages? why don't you just link the site with the facts rather than trying to post 3 "facts" per post while attempting to get your post count up?? i know i'd rather follow one link rather than 15

Seriously Druid? I'm not the only one posting these... And i'm not double posting.

This isn't just me in this thread.

Boxing is the only sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the winner until the contest ends.

The name of all the continents ends with the same letter that they start with.

Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.

If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.

If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
This thread isn't for people to go out in the internet and read stuff..

This is for EVERYONE, not just me, to come in here and post something cool that most people might not know..

This is the Tavern dude, there are a lot more threads in here that have NO point, unlike mine.

But you came in here to direct this thraed just because it's long?

The women who snore are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease than men.
it's obviously the

"Twinkzruz wants a bigger post count" thread

this isn't exciting at all

you're pretty much just linking from another site a few random "facts" that you won't even show where the info is coming from due to you want to increase post count rather than just let people read ONE PAGE of stuff (way less stupid)

so frankly if it has no point ANYWAYS, why not just delete the thread?
Druiddroid said:
just post the link is it that difficult

You're a mod, in case you forget. You can just swing at this thread. Though technically his "spam" does fall within the site guidelines since it's a Tavern thread.
Dude what the hell?! This thread has a point. It's to post facts. And wtf there are so many threads here in this Forum Section that have NO meaning to them?!

And it's not just a post count, omg. and since i made a thread that got a lot of posts you want to close the thread?

And fine, heres a website, that i got a few of my facts from.

Unbelievable Facts

The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
Might as well post every single fact here because we care so much, and hey, you'll get another 10k posts or so.
.... I didn't make this thread for me. But im participating because it's fun.

And im the only one that gets shit on these forums anymore. For stupid reasons.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

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