cata inns are not required for title
So we need:
1 85 on AP.
3 85's with Real ID from other servers.
1 20 F2P on AP.
I have an 85 Holy Priest available. and an 85 Hunter available.
Real ID:
We need to set up a time to do this. How about 8pm AP time? (That would be 11pm EST.)
None of the inns are.
Is there a quicker way to get Jack-O-Lanterns? I've gotten four and don't have anything else to do daily wise.
You get them from the daily fires quest.
Yes, some are.
Meh, I need eight more jack-o-lanterns and the horde to throw em on and I'll have the title.
How so? For the treats to buy stuff with? As far as actual inns go, not required.
Count me in. Will PM you my real ID. I have 2 dps available.
It would go better with 5 85s and one that drops rather than screw some random with a vote kick.
Tricks and Treats of Azeroth is part of the meta for the title. You need the inns in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outlands.
Go kill Headless horseman... - Headless Horseman