feral druid rough draft-p2p


i cant do chardev on work comp

head- Rifle commander's eyepatch

neck-pvp neck

shoulder-shadowfang spaulders-tell boas

cloak-satchel-4 stam 4 agi 4 crit- resist enchant?

chest-chest of the fang-tell boas-15 health

wrist-bands of serra'kis-1 agi enchant

gloves-naga battle gloves-???

belt-satchel 5 crit 5 stam 5 agi

leggs-aluwyn's trousers-16 armor

boots-standard issue prisoner shoes-16 armor

ring 1-signet of argus

ring 2-ello's band

trinket-pvp trinket

trinket-rune of perfection

yea so far this is what i can see

any tips or suggetions let me know
here's my wishlist for Feral (believe it or not). but its f2p and Horde.

I've changed my stat weights like a zillion times, but here's my general reasoning:

top priority on resilience and hit.

then crit

then stam

then agility

then intellect
You can swap the serrakis wrist equip for black wolf bracers (from SFK) - i prefer the extra crit

And your weapon - obviously the BOA repurposed lava dredgor is BiS - but until then I would suggest:


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