The takeaway message from this is that, potentially, the F2P addon will not need to mess with your friends list or your ability/inability to whisper to certain people, instead automatically connecting via a custom chat channel with all other people using the addon (which is also communicating via the same custom chat channel).
The future potential for this is huge, and could change the way we think of our F2P communities.
As it stands now, we think of an F2P community unit as being measured on a per-server basis. While there has been recent work done to make multiple chat channels possible, the fundamental default operation is for everyone on a server to essentially be in the same server-wide "guild".
However, the new technology, not depending on your friends list to know who to "whisper" to, could change the dynamic completely. I'd like to invite each of you to ponder for a minute the implications of thinking of F2P communication more in terms of a true quasi-guild chat. What if we were to imagine a future where the norm is to have multiple F2P "guilds" on a server, each one with its own secure guild channel?
The potential here is strong because it would mean a person could only have to communicate with the people they share a demeanor or philosophy with. Superservers like Aerie Peak could potentially have multiple "guilds", each with their own leadership, channel control, and personality, yet unlike the per-server model, they would have lots of other "guilds" on the same server against which they could do wargames.