Starting immediately the signups for the tournament will take effect, and they will end on the 9th of August
The Prizepool
1st place - $600
2nd place - $150
3rd place - 300,000 Gold
1st place - $600
2nd place - $150
3rd place - 300,000 Gold
3v3 29 Arena Tournament: Friday 11th August
- EU - Midnight CET
- US - 6 PM EST
- Oceanic - 6 AM AWST
We will be using Challonge to co-ordinate the team's seeding and standings in both the the 3v3 Tournament, and the Wild Card event. The Wild Card will be round robin, and the 3v3 Tournament will be a Double Elimination format. Teams will be expected to play a Best of Five series throughout the entirety of the main event and a best of one in the possibility of a Wild Card event. In the Grand Final of the tournament the finalists will compete in a Best of Five. If upper bracket winners take it, they will emerge as the Tournament Champions. If loser brackets win, we'll go into a final Best of Five to determine the Tournament Champions.
The map selection and composition lockin's will be the same as the Official Blizzard events:
The first map is Nagrand Arena a blind pick. Both teams will pick choose their compositions without either knowing what they're facing until they're in the arena.
The maps following the blind pick map will be:
- Loser picks map (Any map left in the map pool)
- Winner locks in composition. (Decide what composition they want to play, based on the map the loser picked).
- Loser locks in composition. (Decide what composition they want to play, based on the composition the winner picked).
- Any form of abuse towards the hosts, commentators or any of the authority will not be tolerated. It is each player's job to be able to communicate with respect and to be as cooperative as possible. This is deemed NWL etiquette and an individual or a team may receive cautions or any of the league's punishments depend on the severity of the abuse.
- In the situation where a player on a team happens to get disconnected and unable to rejoin the game or “DDOSED”, each team is allowed to request a replay of that game ONCE per series. To be eligible for a replay the gates must not have opened as when the gates are open the game is considered underway and thus is not eligible to be restarted. If your team is in doubt that a final/number of players will be ready to play upon the opening of the gates then your team must initiate leaving the game before the gates open.
- A game being replayed must be with the same team composition as previous.
- Any behavior that would be considered strange, mechanically manipulative, or non-objective oriented is not permitted and may result in a penalty.
- Deadly Boss Mods addon is not allowed.
- No software violating Blizzard’s ToS is permitted.
- Anyone can play any character on any account, as long as they are signed up on your roster. When you sign players up to your roster you are signing the player up and not just the character.
- Toys, any items in bags or anything other than Healthstones and Bandages are BANNED.
- Any items that require you to be level 30 or higher to obtain are BANNED.
Composition Rules:
The format must be either of the following:
- 1 Healer 1 Dps 1 Tank
- 1 Healer 2 Dps
ARMS Warriors are Banned.
Survival Hunters are Banned.
Note: These rules are NOT finalized. These rules will change with the discoveries of the meta and will be finalized when The NWL feel that the rules provide the most balanced, fair and competitive playing field for all competitors.
If an individual, team or anyone with direct association to a team (i.e someone on the roster, whether they are in the game or not) performs an action that has an extreme effect on a game and it’s outcome will be punished by disqualification from the tournament. Things on this level of severity are things as follows:
- Using game mechanics in a way that was unintended to be used in such a way.
- Use of third party software that is deemed against the Terms of Service that every player agrees to when playing World of Warcraft.
- DDoS attacks or any form of harassment that can cause a player to not be able to take part in the game commencing.
- Absolutely anything that breaks Activision Blizzard Entertainment's Terms of Service
- Failure to comply with what is asked of you by the tournament organizers.
All games that are taking place will be streamed on the Official NWL channel. See the challonge page to find out what game is coming up next!
The prize will be paid directly into the paypal account of the Winning and Second Place Team Leader. If this proves to be an issue, further discussion between the Tournament Hosts and the teams will decide how the payment will be made.
Gold will be traded on Bleeding-Hollow US directly to the third place teams Team Leader.
Below is a template of how it is require for your team leader to sign up your team's roster for the tournament:
<Team name>
Team Captain: Name1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4
BATTLETAG: Name1#0000
Team Captain: Name1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4
BATTLETAG: Name1#0000
Each name must have a hyperlink to the player's “main class” armory page. This doesn't mean you have to play the signed up comp, but is used to verify the group having 29s, and playing 29. Read 'Format' section for clarification.
Signed up team must be a legitimate characters.
Each team must have a minimum of THREE different players or a maximum of FOUR different players signed up.
A huge thanks to Livingforce and Magoo for sponsoring this event and hopefully it will be an enjoying and exciting evening of intense Arena Games!
And to GG nineteen for the 3rd place runner up prize!
< Legendary Heroes >
< One Punch >
DiazayBATTLETAG: Livingforce#1899
< Rosetta Stoned >
< We Smash Men >
Team Captain: FnsPyrtz
BATTLETAG: pain#12729
< Dark Side on KJ >
BATTLETAG: jidderz#1677
< All Positive Vibes >
Team Captain: FancyLucas
BATTLETAG: Fancy#11281
< GALAXY:Triforce >
BATTLETAG: suns#11360
< Oh Yeah, Mr. Krabs ツ >
Team Captain: NaughtynurseLilboyxd
BATTLETAG: Ðeception#1334
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