The Epic Grind! (1-19)

i thought this was going to be something else.

but must i say these newschool twinks don't know what a grind really is, back in the day when you couldn't lock xp if you didn't get your BoP's before lvl 19 you were in a bad position. yall don't know how lucky you are

I agree! It was very fun back then and everyones first few twinks weren't very good and always took 2-3 tries before making an actually solid twink. In addition to the several days of planning / hundreds of gold to get something to 19 and be somewhat decent, you also had to plan out every quest before you were level 15 and by the time you were 18 have ALL of your gear or you were screwed!

Something that classified as a twink back then was simply having dual fiery as a rogue :p It was never really about "bis" gear because at the end of the day you only would interact with 3-4 twinks per game... and back then having 1 twink join your game could have easily changed the outcome of the game... Now one twink is never enough to make a difference :p
I agree! It was very fun back then and everyones first few twinks weren't very good and always took 2-3 tries before making an actually solid twink. In addition to the several days of planning / hundreds of gold to get something to 19 and be somewhat decent, you also had to plan out every quest before you were level 15 and by the time you were 18 have ALL of your gear or you were screwed!

Something that classified as a twink back then was simply having dual fiery as a rogue :p It was never really about "bis" gear because at the end of the day you only would interact with 3-4 twinks per game... and back then having 1 twink join your game could have easily changed the outcome of the game... Now one twink is never enough to make a difference :p

indeed. BoA's OP
All of these seem extremely vague. What I have done for a long time is as follows: Alliance: Hit 5-7 in your Race's starting zone. Kill an unnecessary amount of mobs while you quest your way through. Once you have completed your starting quests, go to Gold shire do the jasperlode mine quests and turn in, move on to the next mine he gives you a quest for and there is usually a rare. Upon Returning i'm usually around 8 or 9. Moving to Hogger and the gnolls, and then to Westfall. Quest to about Sentinel hill and move on to Redridge. You should be 15 by the time you finish a quest or so.
Horde: Again, your starting zone, to Sen'jin Village, to Razor hill only to do Burning blade, kill the 1-2 rares and every mob in range on your way to the Barrens. you should be level 9 by then. quest in the barrens up to The crossroads and then to ratchet for the uninsured bracers quests(I'm Sure you are all familiar with.)Upon arriving to turn in, you should be 15 and ready to que up. Hope this helped xD
knowing were rare mobs are is a fast way to level, they give monster XP

undead starter area has the most, they have 1 rare right where they start, and 10+ rares in trisfal glades area. 2-3 wandering lost spirits, and near all of them drop a 6-slot bag

once you hit 10, and if you have help, start farming deadmines, RFC, WC, at level-11 you can start running SFK. you will have all your gear wanted from drops, then at 15-16 can start randoms and do the quests in the dungeons mentioned

BGs are a fast way to level if it is WSG or AB flagged as the bonus BG, if you have BOAs start in those at level 10

if you need certain cloaks/belts from satchels, i recommend turning off xp at 16 and then queing for randoms. you will get DM/RFC which are much faster than getting what players at 19 get mostly which is WC and is painfully long in comparison. plus at 16 you can que specificly for WC and SFK to knock out those quests for items.
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I agree! It was very fun back then and everyones first few twinks weren't very good and always took 2-3 tries before making an actually solid twink. In addition to the several days of planning / hundreds of gold to get something to 19 and be somewhat decent, you also had to plan out every quest before you were level 15 and by the time you were 18 have ALL of your gear or you were screwed!

Something that classified as a twink back then was simply having dual fiery as a rogue :p It was never really about "bis" gear because at the end of the day you only would interact with 3-4 twinks per game... and back then having 1 twink join your game could have easily changed the outcome of the game... Now one twink is never enough to make a difference :p

you also had to start pre-exploring those area where you planned to get items from 15-19 level quests, dungeon areas, etc. which usually involved dying alot.

bow of plunder, inferno robe, dead skull shield. trailblazer boots, screecher belt, alliance ammo pouch, and more. you could not afford to be gaining XP from area/zone discovery which could affect whether you pop to 20, delete and restart or stop go without a BIS item

the alliance quest line for the seal of wyrnn ring alone with no rested XP if started at i think it was 15-16 would take you to end of 18 or 19.
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