The Best Healer Class?


This is not a 'tell me what class to roll' thread. I simply want to know what the most overpowered class is, for F2P healing. I'm mostly curious, but maybe I'll try it out in the future. I plan on fully gearing my Disc Priest before making another twink (or at least getting close to BiS first).

So, in your opinion - What is the best Race/Class for the Healer role?

Please back up your choice with some reasoning why you think it's the best class. CC abilities? Instant casts? Cool cooldowns? Please explain :)
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Holy Paladin if we're talking about the sole purpose of healing. Biggest heals and good instant cast as well.
Druid tho are way more suited for healing an entire team, and for flag carrying imo
For pure healing done . No healer will top a resto Druid. For utility the other classes are much stronger due to having cc and interrupts and stuns and what not . But if we are playing a numbers game good luck beating a Druid in mid :) especially a spirit stacking Druid who is never in loc ( line of clickage) :)
I totally agree resto druid is your best choice for keeping a group alive.
But a hpally can do almost as good and you get a stun.
Personally i would pick rdruid bc they can be sooo hard to catch sometimes and they have the strongest HoT
i may roll a hpally soon in order to run with a warrior and a hunter . like seriously nothing should be able to heal through that even on an efc. cause u got the super healing reduce pluss damage plus no heal crits .. gg that or i might just get the santa hat on my warrior and call it gg.
SV hunts spamming heavy silk bandage. So much burst you wont need to heal cuz no1 will have time to hurt you.

On a more serious note Hpals easily. Imo they have always been the most consistent OP class in this bracket. Atleast hunts were nerfed from 5.0-5.1 lol

dont think hpals are OP atm, they have been nerfed every patch since MoP along with hybrids,healers.

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